Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Beating Irish does not ensure season

Don't get too excited by the Spartans' victory over the pitiful Irish. In case your memory has failed you, MSU has beaten Notre Dame in years past, only to bow down to weaker opponents in the Big Ten opener.


Blame should not lay with ASMSU

It is amusing that people are always looking for someone to blame when something goes wrong. Fortunately, there exists ASMSU, an organization whose sole purpose is to serve as the universal scapegoat for all that is wrong with MSU and East Lansing.



At a public university that prides itself on diversity, it's about time for those with different gender identities to get the respect and protection they deserve.


Pastors, nuns help bring big changes

This is in response to The State News column "Publicity stunts fail to bring church enlightenment to 'U'". The column described the acts of the three "billboard pastors" as "outlandish" and "death-defying." The State News said the three nuns from the Colorado missile incident "soaked in too many James Bond movies." Now, I don't know if The State News was just pressed for a deadline or what, but the column came across as the opening speech for the "Convention of Pew-Bound Lackadaisicals." Jesus, if I were a Christian, I'd be outraged.


Stabilizing Iraq

After a fast-paced war with Iraq, President Bush is right to address the United Nations on the importance of a well-thought-out plan to transfer power to the Iraqi people. Currently, the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council does not have the necessary authority in the country.


Trustees actions rebut past claims

The recent decision by the MSU Board of Trustees to spend more than $80 million to renovate three buildings on campus flies in the face of what students have been told in the recent past. I sat on a committee that met with MSU President M.


Letter rebuttal missed the point

Muslim Muhamad Haydar disliked Jim Peterson's thought that Muslims who kill innocent civilians are welcomed into heaven in his letter to the editor "Alumnus wrong about Muslims" (SN 9/8). I think it would be more prudent for Haydar to dislike the fact that there seems to be an infinite number of Muslims scattered throughout the world that agree with Peterson.


Noise violation policy applies to all: 'U' should test it out

Although the East Lansing City Council has decided to propose jail time and disproportionately high fines for infractions against the city code, I would like to preface this column by assuring my readers that I am neither writing this column from jail nor writing it on my way to jail.Instead, following the onslaught of controversy surrounding the new noise violation rules imposed by the East Lansing City Council, I have just finished reading the new ordinance.


Future Financing

Money doesn't grow on trees, but if it did, the foliage in the forest of higher education would be quite barren.


Duking it out

Finding a fair way to deal with affirmative action is increasingly difficult when both sides are voicing opinions as loud as possible.