Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Spartans' fans not alone in behavior

As a past Virginia Tech Hokie, I can assure The State News that they also leave the stadium early, get up during halftime and get too drunk to go or to pay attention to the game ("Spartan fans won't even finish this" SN 9/22). That is not just an MSU flaw.


Sober up

Mixing alcohol and driving is always a bad cocktail. The state of Michigan is recognizing this by lowering the legal blood-alcohol content, or BAC, from .10 to .08, starting Wednesday.


We dare 'U'

The State News would like to challenge MSU students to try something new: Vote in the upcoming East Lansing elections.



If a student has a concern regarding the university, he or she should have a place to go for that concern to be heard.


Life of a college student can lead to one gigantic headache

In my life, I have been able to endure getting 16 stitches in my head from falling off a bike, internal bruises from a seat belt after a car accident (I'd like to note I was not behind the wheel) and severe ear infections from the acid content in my ears (so my doctor says). But I cannot always handle the severe tension headaches which incapacitate me on countless occasions. I know I am not alone in this.


No ballot vote for affirmative action

The State News should reconsider its editorial concerning deciding affirmative action issues by a statewide ballot "Duking it out" (SN 9/24). The equal rights of any minority will never be achieved by putting such issues up for a vote.


Game on

The University of Michigan men's basketball team is finally done "doing time" for other people's crimes.


Safety first when driving by schools

I am enlisting the help of The State News readers again this fall. School has started at Red Cedar Elementary (at the west end of Sever Drive, which is the continuation of Wilson Road after you make that little jog to the left at Harrison Avenue) as well as at MSU.


Madonna works for her love of music

This is in response to The State News column "Madonna needs to leave the limelight". I know that the kiss between three of the most well-known female singers has been shown, shown and shown to the point of annoyance, but this doesn't warrant Madonna's music or performance as pure marketing.


Recall Circus

The "Super Bowl of debates" among California's recall candidates was a television circus that failed to focus on politics.


'U' aren't here

Thanks to the government, you might soon be able to eat your dinner in peace. The Federal Trade Commission is continuing the crusade to legalize a national "do-not-call" registry.