Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Prejudice still alive in higher education

When, in the history of the entire world, did it become humorous to degrade other cultures? Walking on North Shaw Lane in front of Anthony Hall last Monday, minding my own business, a car with four young men (I hesitate to call them men) rolled down their windows and began throwing bits of paper trash from their car, then proceeded to shout variations of what their uneducated minds believed to be Vietnamese.


Smart survey

Don't take your money to the bank - according to a recently released survey, MSU is one of the best investments a student can make.


Coming Out Days coverage too much

I found last weeks National Coming Out Days series of articles repetitive and offensive. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and has the constitutional right to form vocal supportive groups for their cause, whether that be race, gender, sexuality, etc., though forming such groups often promotes further segregation.


Access for 'U'

Shel Silverstein once wrote, "Have you heard the story of tiny Melinda Mae, who ate a monstrous whale?" This line might come from a children's poem about a girl who took 89 years to eat a whale, but it easily could be correlated to the monstrous problem of disabled accessibility at MSU.


Smokers choice does affect others

This is in response to the letter "Smokers don't need health lecture" (SN 10/10). While I agree that Craig Gunn might have been a bit extreme in calling smokers suicidal and murderers, I understand the point he was trying to make.


Change pledge

The higher powers of the American justice system soon will be debating the mention of a higher power in American pledges of loyalty.


Statue does bother some Americans

In response to Eva Bohler's letter "Columnist wrong in religious debate" (SN 10/6), I must point out, hopefully for the last time, that students are certainly allowed to pray in school.


Budget crunch

Hurry! Hurry! Step right up to witness the one, the only, Amazing, Shrinking Budget! Just when you thought things couldn't get worse, they did.


There's enough homophobia in the world; no need for fliers

This past Wednesday, the second annual Act Out was organized as part of National Coming Out Days. As various people stood around campus in dark clothing, slurs taped on their chests and backs and made up to look as if they had been beaten up, the message the event sent out was a simple, but very important, one: Hate words lead to hate crimes.


E.L. resident gives 'U' party advice

As a permanent resident in a "mixed" neighborhood, I've listened to neighbors lament that they've been unfairly issued a noise violation when they were merely talking on their front porch.