Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Support for Israel hard to come by

In "American-backed Israel not the victim in Palestinian fight" (SN 10/21), Crystal Burks wrote that "When I see the news, I don't just see suicide bombings; I see one country crying out for help against another country that seemingly is supported by everyone." Burks might want to consider the numerous United Nations resolutions condemning Israel for its "occupation" of Palestine and re-evaluate whether "everyone" supports Israel.



Universities are going to have to do a better job making the grade when it comes to hiring minorities for head coach positions.


Keep local theater coverage equal

With increasing budget cuts, threatened staff reductions and the potential loss of the graduate program looming for MSU's Theatre Department, your recent coverage (such as it was) of our own university's theatre production was, to say the least, disappointing.


Conservative letter wasn't convincing

This letter is in response to Lee Ehlers' letter "Columnist incorrect on 'God' in pledge" (SN 10/20). Ehlers took an opportunity to make a logical argument about the Constitution and the role of religion in America and turned it into a close-minded, stereotypical conservative slam on the "liberal" view.


Painted nails simple way to challenge gender stereotypes

As anyone who knows me would agree, I truly am a unique individual filled with lovely quirks. One of which, I must confess, is the fact that I adore adorning my nails with vibrant colors (although only occasionally do they properly match my outfits).When questioned why I do this, my answers might vary.


Not everyone agrees on T-shirts

I think Dwayne Sortor is way off on his attempted defense of free speech ("SN has no right to criticize T-shirts" SN 10/16). The State News never was calling for the police to haul the sellers off to jail or to have the shirts confiscated.


Personal attacks don't add to debate

After scrutinizing Lee Ehlers' opinion on "Columnist incorrect on 'God' in pledge" (SN 10/20), I found only two credible statements: That "separation of church and state" is not in the Constitution, and that the Constitution states that the government cannot pass a law establishing a religion or preventing anyone's practice of theirs.


Thieves are unusual breed among Izzone

It's pretty unfortunate that items were stolen during the Izzone campout last weekend ("Izzone campers abused freedom" SN 10/16). I was under the impression that we were a relatively tame and well-mannered crowd.


Payback time

A bill that would allow universities to sue former and current student athletes for fines brought against them is a good option for college athletics departments to have. The bill will allow universities to sue athletes who violate state or federal law, school regulations or athletic league rules for financial damages. Athletes who do such things "have a devastating impact on college sports," said Rep.


Mascot mishap

It looks as if the symbol of Spartan spirit might need a time out for his recent bad behavior. Last Wednesday, members from the Council of Students with Disabilities were offended when Sparty, the MSU mascot, was seen stumbling through the Union with a white cane and a referee's jersey.


Everyone can't be an activist, chill out

I would like to thank Sean Bertolino for writing his article "'U' shouldn't take things so seriously". Although I might not agree with everything that Bertolino said in his letter, his point was very well taken.