Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Student leaders need 'U' to help

For the past few months, there have been many discussions regarding the party-noise ordinance that was enacted in the city of East Lansing and the implications of its passage.


On the right track

After claiming to be "sidestepped" by the city council, ASMSU officials are working to rectify the mistakes of the summer by proposing an amendment to the party-noise ordinance.


Newspaper erred in editorial support

How liberal is this paper? It gives support to something not everyone believes in, National Coming Out Days, and yet turns right around after that and bashes Bible Week for that very same reason.



After months of useless bat-swinging by the lower courts, the big, bad U.S. Supreme Court soon will be stepping up to the plate to face the Bush administration's terrorism-fighting strategies.


Chemistry Day will be fun for visitors

I must say that with all of the sensitivity issues that have been floating around campus recently, I am shocked that the article "Chemistry Day hopes to make science fun" (SN 10/23) would have such a thoughtless headline.


What Clinton, Bush do in office is different

Matt Underwood wrote an interesting letter, "Columnist wrong to criticize GOP Bush" (SN 10/21), but apparently missed the point of John Bice's column. Nobody is blaming President Bush for the air quality at Ground Zero after Sept.


Bush's environmental policies don't hold up

I am writing in regards to Matt Underwood's letter "Columnist wrong to criticize GOP Bush" (SN 10/21). Just because the president of our nation cannot properly speak the English language or formulate a complete and logical sentence without a speech writer does not mean he is an idiot.


Changes made by administrators hurt quality of education

This week is Campus Equity Week, and on many university campuses, labor unions and student, faculty and staff organizations are coming together to fight what is perhaps the most pressing issue for higher education: The increased reliance on part-time, adjunct instructors to teach classes. The problem is simple - universities have an obligation to educate their students, and they also have an obligation to maintain financial stability.


Time lapse

It's good to see ASMSU taking a stance on the controversial T-shirts circulating campus prior to the MSU-University of Michigan football game - too bad it comes a few weeks late. A bill was sent to both assemblies of MSU's undergraduate student government to finally make a statement against the fliers and T-shirts bearing an explicit drawing and the phrase "Wolverines Pack Fudge." But it isn't until next week when ASMSU might officially denounce the circulation of the explicit anti-U-M T-shirts and fliers.


Smoking pot part of unalienable rights

The United States was founded on the principle that a government should not infringe upon a citizen's "unalienable rights." These common-sense rights are those associated with a person's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.The only limit to these rights is when certain actions conflict with another person's rights (i.e.


Finding fire funds

The flame quickly is dying for community fire-protection funding, and future budget cuts are threatening to completely snuff it out.


Politics 101

Reading, writing, arithmetic and conservatism. It doesn't flow as well, but if a group of Republican lawmakers get its way, it might soon be the list of standard subjects taught at higher education institutions.