Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Officials should put faith in students

Every day, I read The State News online to see what's new at my alma mater. When I opened up the Web site Wednesday, I couldn't help but shake my head at the Page One story "Officials plan for worst, hope for best behavior" (SN 10/29). It is embarrassing to me that the university continues to have no faith in its students.


Sex education

Public schools have failed to properly educate high school students about safe sex. This is an issue among high school students, and the fact that many schools do not include curriculum covering sex results in it remaining a taboo subject. Lanessa Riobe, 16, was sent home from Osceola High School in Kissimmee, Fla., after she wore a Halloween costume consisting of a T-shirt covered in condoms.


Medical system needs spotlight

I completely agree and commend Ian Randall for the column about the effects of free markets on healthcare costs "Free markets cause health-care costs to get out of control" (SN 10/30). Little attention is devoted to our obviously faulty medical care system in the United States.


Talking to 'U'

By taking time to listen to student concerns, Trustee David Porteous has made positive progress toward improving the relationship between students and administrators. The more the administration hears from students, the more it will learn about the issues students face. Porteous met Friday with a newly formed student committee.


'Izzone' not only fans of hoops team

Once again, the Izzone gets the credit, and other fans are ignored. During their camp-out, members of the Izzone were visited by coach Tom Izzo and members of the team at some point, and were even provided with a place to watch some football games.


Vote or shut up

There's a highly sought-after new fashion accessory out on the streets today, and we at The State News are about to let you in on the secret.


Lawmakers should pass hazing law

As a national and regional officer of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, I was dismayed to learn upon moving here from Florida in 2001 that Michigan lacked a law making hazing a criminal act.


Letters wrong on Kyoto, economy

This is regarding "Columnist wrong to criticize GOP Bush" (SN 10/21) and "Bush's environmental policies don't hold up" (SN 10/28). Both these letters to the editor incorrectly assessed the effect the Kyoto Protocol would have had on the U.S.


E.L. should respect, listen to students

All over East Lansing, people are talking about the new noise policy. This is because East Lansing is comprised mostly of students, and we are unhappy with this new policy. All the students who live in East Lansing during the school year are a vital part of this community.


Smith should have more composure

As a graduate of MSU, I was disappointed to see our head football coach act as though our football team was a victim of bad calls by the game officials. Coach Lloyd Carr of the University of Michigan, on the other hand, represented that school well by maintaining his composure at all times. Coach John L.


Computer lab use is abused by too many

A disturbing event is taking place in computer labs across campus. Great numbers of computers are being occupied by students playing worthless computer games, thus preventing students with educational and class needs from utilizing the computers. Katie Appold dietetics senior Sheryl Carpenter dietetics senior


Coach has football team on right track

I realize that this letter won't be published until after the big game this weekend, but I needed to respond to the comments that John Addis relayed in "Spartans are more than underdogs" (SN 10/30). I'm glad for MSU and it's followers that they have become more competitive over the last 10 years.


Weak honor

Bible Week and Church/State Separation Week are nationally recognized the week of Nov. 23-30. However, with the advice of East Lansing Mayor Mark Meadows, the city council has decided that Church/State Separation Week will be recognized in East Lansing on Nov.


'Slut' shouldn't appear in paper

In regard to the pregame article "Rivalries: Sports and otherwise" (SN 10/29), I would like to point out the disgusting and ignorant use of the word "slut" in one of the famous rivalries, "Slasher movie killers vs.