Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Jackson stoops low, bares breast

Adam Vinatieri pulled off another Super Bowl victory for the New England Patriots in the final seconds of the game; however, the image that remains etched in the minds of the billions of Super Bowl viewers (including children!) is that of the sparkling sun conveniently placed over Janet Jackson's nipple. Justin Timberlake sang that he'd have Jackson naked by the end of the song and, with that, pulled out her breast.


Home alone

All Spartans have an opinion of how things operate down in Ann Arbor during the weekend. We think they hole up in the library - false - or trudge to an anti-climactic fraternity party - true. Make no mistake, East Lansing, the Ann Arborites know how to party.


Dean's for 'U"

What have you done for us lately, Democratic presidential candidates? In the months and months ahead of rhetorical promise-making and political stumping, the list of to-dos certainly will outweigh the items crossed off as complete on the campaign checklist. It's the nature of the beast in the world of politics.


No easy answer for Kashmir turmoil

Abhishek Modi's solutions seem like some fairy-tale answer to a decade-old problem, and this is more than likely because that is precisely what they are founded on ("Some changes could end ongoing, bloody battle over Kashmir" SN 1/28). The problems that India and Pakistan face aren't about Kashmir alone - the nations are ideologically different.


Letters disregard mobility-impaired

This is in response to the ableist letters encouraging people to "put on some boots" and deal with the inaccessible snowy sidewalks, "Get snow shoes; quit complaining" (SN 1/28) and "Road salt destroys more than it helps" (SN 1/29). That works quite well for me because I can simply step over the piled-up snow and continue on my way to class.


Bice falls flat in his latest argument

In reading John Bice's article "Science relies on confidence, strength of evidence, not faith" (SN 1/27), I was intrigued by his premise to define the difficult terms when discussing the said ideas - and then the article fell flat.



If it's true that a Howard Dean supporter brought a doctor's note to Thursday's rally in an attempt to get it signed by the doctor-turned-presidential candidate for an excused absence from class, we applaud your effort. And if the tongue-in-cheek note were actually signed and approved by a professor, we offer our warmest congratulations for a job well done at successfully manipulating the system.


Responsibility a thing of the past

I believe Allena Tapia's letter has brought a very important issue to point - responsibility ("Roe decision has not helped women"). It's an easy enough word to recognize, but in today's society, it is losing its substance.


Celebs for 'U'

This week, MSU has resembled the red carpet of politics. Author Michael Moore, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and presidential hopeful Howard Dean all have come to campus in the span of two days. Moore will be signing copies of his new book, "Dude, Where's My Country?" today, and both Kennedy, who came in support of presidential hopeful John Kerry, and Dean came Thursday. We also have influential scientists and intellectuals come to MSU such as Frances Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, who is well-known for leading the team that mapped the human genome. MSU students might not know how extraordinarily lucky they are to have all of these well-known and famous figures coming to their campus.


Recycle in honor of 'Ernie The Can Man'

When I first came to MSU, I was appalled at the amount of litter on campus. Just about every other football Saturday brought plastic bags, pieces of cardboard and literally thousands of cans all over campus.


Religion a language reliable, meaningful

Bice wrote an column called, "Science relies on confidence, strength of evidence, not faith" (SN 1/27). I felt compelled to comment. We know that our life has meaning, at least to some degree, whether it is self-derived or bestowed from the heavens. The source of this meaning is not concretely defined for us.


Walk the talk

The old adage, "Actions speak louder than words," is a saying many in the Michigan Legislature should learn, particularly Gov.