Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



No amount of faith can make belief fact

Some kudos to Marc Levitt ("Bice falls flat in his latest argument") for good points supporting the view that science and religion are "not as far apart as so many like to claim." After all, both put forth theories about the universe and our role in it, right?


Columnist diversity argument ignorant

I'm writing in regards to Jim Lala's article, "Diversity doesn't promote better education, system flawed" (SN 2/3). Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but if they are going to be published, they should be well-thought out.


Today's threats

As if Americans didn't need more proof that the world is a drastically different place than it was before Sept.


Dorm outlaws

If dorm drinking is outlawed, only outlaws will drink in the dorms. That's how it's been for years, no, generations of students.


Graduate sorry for comments, actions

At Friday's Michael Moore guest lecture, I encountered a group of protesters standing outside, one of them bearing a sign reading, "Michael Moore is a communist." Upon seeing this man's sign, I made an off-hand remark to which he sharply responded.


Price gougers

Tuition: $3,303. On-campus housing:$2,843. Books, coursepacks and CD extras, that may never get used: $500.


Brutal budget

If you weren't able to watch President Bush's State of the Union address last month, a revised, printform is now available.


World doesn't stop turning due to snow

It really amazes me that some folks appear to believe that the world shuts down because it is cold or snowy out. While I sympathize with the woman in a wheelchair who had trouble negotiating snowy sidewalks ("Snow-covered sidewalks hard to maneuver wheelchair through" SN 1/30), I see no excuse for the whining from apparently able-bodied folks.


Barrel of laws

It was one of the only bars in town that allowed the young and the old to mix - with alcohol present.


Boob tube

Parents everywhere rushed to cover their children's eyes during the Super Bowl halftime show, all because of Janet Jackson's inability keep her top on.