Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Anti-student vibe abounds in E.L.

The City of East Lansing was a direct result of Michigan State University. Presently, the permanent residents of the city are attempting to push students north of campus to apartment complexes such as Capstone Commons.


Bias funds

The federal government's favorite number is 77 million. When the United Nations reported in 2001 that the Earth's population was rising at a rate of 77 million people per year, President Bush cut funding to international family planning groups that provide abortions.


Lawless globe

This year in Greenville, Mich., Electrolux announced it was moving its factory, which employs 2,700 people, to Mexico.


MLK day dinner not offensive to all

I agree with University Housing and Food Services Coordinator Bruce Haskell when he said, "What may be stereotypical to one person may be a wonderful representation of their culture to another" ("MLK dinner spurs controversy in Owen Hall" SN 2/6). I'm a white boy from the South, and I wish someone would have told me Owen Hall was serving catfish and okra.


Lala doesn't get affirmative action

Jim Lala's opposition to affirmative action in his column "Diversity doesn't promote better education, system flawed" (SN 2/3), exemplifies the exact prejudices of which the affirmative action programs actively struggle to fight against. Academic institutions have been criticized for their policies and for participation in affirmative action.


Web addicts

Stop looking at porn. Well, maybe not entirely, but cut back. In this age of information-sharing and unrivaled technological advance, interpersonal communication is taking a hit.


Offensive food

Racial, ethnic and gender stereotypes are everywhere - some are perpetuated through ignorance, while others are blatant attacks. The recent Martin Luther King Jr.


Bice makes religious people doubt Pope

The United States is a nation founded on a political system that asks us to question our leaders. In order to prevent any one person from having too much power, we have a system of checks and balances and limits on terms in office.


Equal chance

Equal rights, not special rights. It's a common mantra when it comes to civil rights in America.


Race not big factor in 'U' admissions

This is a response to Lydia Brodeur's letter, "Race too large a part of admissions". The response is simply this: No, your Guatemalan brother doesn't have a better chance at being accepted to college than does your white brother.


Dean attacked because he's best

Have you asked yourself why, among all the Democratic presidential candidates, Howard Dean is the only one that the conservative advocacy group "Club for Growth Political Action Committee" has singled out to run attack ads against? And why has the right-wing media spent more than twice as much time bashing Dean than they have his rivals? Why did Karl Rove tell the media that Dean would be the easiest to beat?


Izzo the Great

Tom Izzo has an edge over most MSU professors - students believe in what he says, does and thinks. Perhaps more than he'd like to admit, the word of Izzo is the gospel in East Lansing, passed down to him from the heavens by Basketball Jesus to his perch atop Breslin Center.