Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



In the zone

Citizens caught in the zoning crossroads of East Lansing are taking a calculated risk - if they buy a home near a vacant commercially zoned area, a business might plant down next to them, or they might get lucky and be able to keep that warm, fuzzy neighborhood feeling.



When does progress stop and playing God begin? When South Korean researchers announced Thursday that human embryos had been successfully cloned in a laboratory, the instant ethical ramifications flared up like a Roman candle. There is no right to play God, opponents of embryo-cloning contend.


Rude people also 'advertise' greeks

I was surprised to learn that Mindy Golub considers the large canvas bags carried by some sorority members to be "advertising," a way of getting other women interested in greek organizations ("Sororities given bad rap in column" SN 2/9). Unfortunately for me, the bags only serve as a daily reminder of why I will never join a sorority in my time here at MSU.


Get outta here

For a university president who seems to love his students so much, it's perplexing that President M.


Burning bills

Uh, nonsmoking please. It seems to echo in every restaurant these days. And why shouldn't it? The public shouldn't be subjected to secondhand smoke against its own will, but smokers still should be allowed to light up if they choose. But recent legislation proposed by Gov.


Math requirement waste of time, cash

This morning, a certain percentage of this university's student body is on its way to a math class, probably dreading this requirement as much as potentially going to a lecture on the production of elevator buttons. That is how I feel about the math requirement here at MSU.


Letter wrong about affirmative action

Robert Jenkins is wrong in his assumption that 20 points for race does not make a difference in college admissions ("Lala doesn't get affirmative action" SN 2/9). At The University of Michigan, where 20 points was the exact amount used for racial preferences, the difference between a 3.0 and a 4.0 grade-point average also was 20 points.


Free speech bigger concern than boob

Kudos to David Singelyn's scathing letter to the editor with regards to the Janet breast incident ("Breast investigation waste of FCC money" SN 2/10). FCC chairman Michael Powell (Colin's kid, by the way) has done nothing but a disservice to the free flow of information during his term. I think, before anyone complains about any pushing of limits in terms of morals, one must wonder exactly what sort of atmosphere caused this in the first place - where Bubba the Love Sponge gets to talk about whatever dirty topic he wants during drive time, because he gets big ratings for Clear Channel. With increased media industry competition, art would flourish in a positive fashion, allowing for mere boundary pushing rather than consistently pushing against the rails of the boundary.


Southern food shouldn't offend 'U'

As a person of Southern orientation, I take offense to those who thought the MLK meal at Owen Hall was stereotyping ("MLK dinner spurs controversy in Owen Hall" SN 2/6). The menu was a typical "Sunday" meal, or what we Southerners would call "good ol' home-style cooking." The type served at family soirées, spiritual functions or simply for unity and comfort.


Trash land

No one wants trash in his or her backyard. In Michigan, we already have so much that we're skiing on it in places such as Brighton.



What the hell is a cyclotron? It's not exactly nuclear science. Oh, wait, it is nuclear science.