Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Nation should allow same-sex marriage

As a nation, are we bored? I am beginning to doubt that the national pastime is actually baseball. I think we should finally admit that picking on every nonwhite, non-heterosexual, non-Christian, non-middle- or upper-class, non-able-bodied person we can find is really what we crave. As a nation, we are willing to bomb, destroy and terrorize other countries in the name of freedom, but at home we are unwilling to grant the freedom of love to anyone who is not heterosexual.


Packing of programs creates long names

MSU has a unit whose name is the Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages. It will presumably become part of the new College of Communication, Arts, Languages and Media.


Not again, Nader

Go home, Ralph Nader. This might sound blunt, it might be mean, but it's exactly what most Democrats were thinking Sunday morning when environmental activist and consumer advocate Nader announced he was running for president as an independent.


Stop it

Mahatma Gahndi once wrote, "An eye for an eye and soon the world will be blind." Vengeance is an inescapable aspect of the human psyche.


Slow down

Two weeks is the perfect amount of time to do a lot of things. Wimbledon, a long vacation, even a two-week seminar on something.


College shuffle has too many questions

I am writing in response to the article "Provost to release blueprint" (SN 2/18). The re-envisioning of the liberal arts and sciences by Michigan State University leadership may indeed by a necessary step in keeping MSU competitive and serving of the citizens of Michigan.


Marriage about love, not gender

I wish that we could skip the days of this oppressive stupidity and move on to where relationships are people's own business. Remember when America didn't think that there should be interracial dating?


Why west?

If you're going to move one of MSU's strongest colleges out of Mid-Michigan to Grand Rapids, it has to be for a better reason than the one MSU spokesman Terry Denbow gave - "We can't define what the move is." And if one of the university's top officials doesn't even know the reason why, wouldn't it make more sense to wait and announce such a move once the position can be defended? Since the beginning of the semester, discussions have been held regarding a potential move of the College of Human Medicine to Grand Rapids.


RWU creative, brings attention to issues

Reading Tuesday's editorial, I can't say that I was surprised at your staff's stance on the white-only scholarship offered at Roger Williams University ("Crass cash" SN 2/17). What appalled me, though, was how quickly you labeled this act "completely and utterly ignorant." Perhaps The State News should do a little research before insisting your opinions on others. I do realize that racial relations are no laughing matter.


Apology inadequate for OutKast number

I personally did not see the performance by OutKast at the 2004 Grammys. The day after, however, images of Andre "3000" Benjamin's misrepresentation of Indigenous people was posted on Native Web sites and Native newspapers throughout Native country. My reaction to this situation was one of sadness, shock and a part of me was glad.


Domestic gun terrorism should be foremost U.S. concern

Homeland security is grabbing American political attention. It's our nation's foremost problem - hence, the war, the spending, the colors, the duct tape. And the upcoming presidential election certainly lends itself for candidates to bring a viable solution to the public.


Sensible move

What does the average MSU student miss most about dormitory life? The curtailed freedoms? The inebriated sign-ins, followed by next-day disbelief and remorse about who was "signed in"? Perhaps the waffle machine? In a roundabout way, the average off-campus dweller or squatter misses all of those.


Abortion issues not truthfully explained

Again, I find myself rolling my eyes as yet another female college student regurgitates the propaganda she's been fed as a part of the "first generation to have had the right to abortion since birth" ("Women should make decisions about own bodies, need choices" SN 2/12). Lindsay Staron tries to convince me that abortion is safe.


Fire away

If you've ever wanted to ask President M. Peter McPherson a question, here's your chance. No topic is off-limits.


SN editorial way too liberal for reader

"A racist perpetuation of American Indian traditions and customs?" Wow, The State News is even more liberal than I thought for sanctioning such an opinion in its Monday editorial about OutKast performing at the Grammys ("Careless costume" SN 2/16). So, The State News thinks that, after hunting them down, killing them and kicking them off their land, now we should let all the Native Americans' traditions and customs die off as well?