Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Gay debate chance to expand rights

After reading the opinion page on Monday, I, too, was shocked at the choice of word Nate Allen chose to use in his editorial cartoon (SN 2/23) about the gay marriage issue. After thinking about it, I, too, realized that this is a word that people use every day as an insult to describe homosexuals and even heterosexuals.


Hate to do it

With rebel violence escalating in Haiti, U.S. officials are expecting refugees fleeing the war-torn country to try and make the United States their sanctuary.


'U' requirements valuable, increase quality of any degree

Usually, I do not respond to letters to the editor printed on The State News' Opinion page. On most controversial subjects, letters from both sides of the debate pour into my editor's e-mail box, and thus, I have no reason to continue the debates in my columns, leaving my opinionated ire free to focus on some other political controversy. However, after reading two separate letters that compare Michigan State University's mathematics requirements to monumental atrocities in history (including slavery, segregation and communism), I am going to join this debate.


Deserving citizens

Ask yourself a question: How will gay marriage affect peoples' lives? If two women and two men, who are truly committed to one another, marry will people's lives alter or are they against gay marriage because the issue just makes them uncomfortable? Today, the most commonly cited reason for outlawing same-sex marriage is the desire to protect the American family.


'U' should voice concerns about arts

I know that change can be tough and even downright scary. Many of us would rather maintain the status quo that is our daily lives rather than face the unknown. Unfortunately, divestment from higher education by the state of Michigan has forced MSU and other universities around the state to rethink how they provide the students of Michigan with an education. The restructuring of liberal arts, although indirectly connected to budget reductions, is just one avenue that the university has to reduce costs and maintain, although difficult, the quality that all of us expect.


Reclaim faith

Across the globe today, Christians are observing Ash Wednesday, the first day of the Lenten season of abstinence from temptation.


Reorganization is devaluation of arts

Provost Lou Anna Simon's new reorganization plan (College of Communication, Arts, Languages and Media, or CALM) would be a disaster for the liberal arts program and the university in general.


Granholm needs to work for equality

You said it yourself, Gov. Jennifer Granholm: "... I think this is right - that marriage is between a man and a woman" ("Granholm announces opposition" SN 2/24). Now, you have to back that statement up, and to facilitate your explanation, I'll list a few excuses you could use.


3rd-party choices represent millions

In response to "Not again, Nader" (SN 2/23), this might sound blunt, but it's what many Americans have been thinking for decades: Al Gore and the Democratic Party have only themselves to blame for losing the 2000 election, not Ralph Nader.


Application action

The Ohio State University and the University of Michigan might be less diverse places to go to school when the fall semester rolls around.


Born leaders

In "Kindergarten Cop," California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to know, "Who is your daddy, and what does he do?" Arnie's children can say without a trace of satire that their Austrian-born, Predator-hunting father is, in fact, the governor of the Golden State.


Some things are meant to offend, get reaction from society

When you discuss controversial issues in the newspaper, you get a wide range of emotions in return. Today's editorial cartoon is a good example of that. People will write letters or e-mail or call our newsroom wondering how I, as an editor, could print something like today's cartoon and how we could casually use a word as vulgar and offensive as "fags." I assure you, its use on today's Opinion page is anything but casual.


Restructuring hurts liberal arts classes

Here is a short summary of "Realizing the Vision: Liberal Arts in the 21st Century Land-Grant University." Though there will no longer be classes in which questions about citizenship, policy or the self can be asked, the university resolves to help each student understand better what it means to be human; to develop the intellectual, creative and productive capacities to be an educated and engaged citizen; and, therefore, to be able to contribute more fully to professional, civic, cultural and community life. Though the university plans to eliminate the college in which the humanities exist, it anticipates the strengthening of graduate programs through synergy. Though undergraduate classes now will be larger and thus unable to contain a writing component, the university thinks a student could reach an understanding about "what it means to be human" through a multiple-choice test and a class taught by more temporary faculty.


Four years of Bush leaves world divided

Think back to the last presidential campaign. What a difference four years make, don't they? Remember how, back then, it seemed more like a competition to be the most boring, inoffensive candidate possible?