Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Hanging banner embarrasses 'U'

Whose idea was it to hang a Big Ten Championship banner before we actually won a championship? Didn't the athletics department learn its lesson from 1998, when we unveiled the championship banner and then went on to lose to Purdue?


Malicious e-mail

Hey, you. Yeah, you. Everyone knows it's you - you anonymous hacker sitting in a darkened room by yourself, rubbing your hands together evilly while plotting mass destruction through your Internet viruses. Stop it.


Sports circus

If you find piles of elephant mess around Jenison Field House, don't be alarmed and certainly don't step in it.


GEU representation not needed for all

Each month, we're robbed by the Graduate Employees Union. Yep, the very organization that claims to represent all graduate student teaching assistants robs us of approximately $25 each month.


Gay marriage opponents twist Bible's message to fit agenda

Over the past few weeks, there has been increased scrutiny on the whole issue of same-sex marriage. The country is fairly polarized for or against, and the issue will be a political football on both sides in the fall elections. But with all the hype about the sanctity of marriage and concern that the entire downfall of the known civilized world rests on preventing gays and lesbians from being granted something ordained from heaven, I wondered if something subtle is hidden in all this furor. I admit that I first wondered why the conservative community, which says marriage should not be tainted by these "other" kinds of unions, doesn't do something about the number of divorces that take place in the United States. With 50 percent of all marriages ending in divorce, something has a funny smell in this here country.


Women pumped up about hoops, too

Evan Rondeau, are you living under a rock from the 1950s? I was completely shocked and offended by the opening to your article "Basketball takes TV by storm" (SN 3/1) where you stated, "Girlfriends wait with fear and trepidation while their boyfriends' hormones get revved up." Regarding Championship Week, did you ever consider for a moment that perhaps women appreciate college basketball just as much as men?


Up to speed

In an ideal world, everyone goes the speed limit and is a kind and courteous driver. In the real world, however, people don't go the speed limit if it's too slow, and it's pretty hard to find anyone who actually goes 35 mph on westbound Saginaw Street from Hagadorn Road to Coolidge Road.


Wrong rally

For a group of more than 1,000 strong, MSU's Graduate Employees Union is quick to respond to a call to arms.


Living & learning

Step into either Case or Holmes Halls on an average weekday, and you'll discover a place where many students living next to one another have the same classes, majors and interests.


'U' reaction

Monday's State News read, "One man is dead and another wounded after an early morning shooting at an East Lansing 7-Eleven store." It's a sentence any MSU student hopes never to read and a sentence no reporter for The State News ever wished to write.


Don't turn college football into NFL

For the people who want instant replay to be standard in NCAA football and want a playoff system or want Maurice Clarett to be eligible for the NFL - please do me a favor, turn off your televisions on Saturday and wait until Sunday.