Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Realistic-looking rifles need to go

Recently, a few friends and I were walking to Case Hall for dinner. As we neared our destination, we encountered a group of men about 100 feet in front of us who were dressed in full camouflage, carrying packs and had what appeared to be black M-16 assault rifles.


SN editorial board needs to research

The State News' discouragement of Eco's power plant forum was disturbing, and the editorial had many statements that were just plain incorrect ("Relax, Eco" SN 3/15). We decided to hold a forum to get our questions answered and engage the community in the dialogue.


Bad profile

One would presume that as long as the federal government is racially profiling international students, it would at least do it correctly. Last week, The State News localized a report by The Chronicle of Higher Education that revealed that some U.S.


Candy money small part of ASMSU funds

This letter is in regards to Eleazar Barzart's letter complaining about the use of $150 to buy candy for students who visit the ASMSU offices "Candy Initiative waste of 'U' funds," (SN 4/15). Being the main person behind the plan, I am sorry you feel it is such a waste.


Great honor

It's always a positive thing when people do good things in the community and get recognized for their actions.


'U' should be glad to hear Rice speak

As I read Chad Lepisto's letter, "Rice will send wrong message to seniors" (SN 4/15), I was saddened to hear that he would not be attending his own commencement just because he does not agree with the political beliefs of Condoleezza Rice.


Lumping liberals as intolerant is wrong

I am writing in response to Matthew Coleman's letter "Liberal outcry over Rice waste of breath" (SN 4/15). I was very surprised to read a letter in which Coleman neglected to address any specific examples of "liberal outcry" on campus to substantiate his claims.


APASO represents all Asian Americans

This letter is in reference to the article "ASMSU funds Indian show" (SN 4/14). I wanted to fully clarify the concerns of the Asian Pacific American Student Organization, or APASO. First, APASO supports all programs and events that educate communities on Asian-American culture/histories.


Don't assume disabled always need help, capable on their own

The girl holding the door open for me looked horrified. I was going to class in Holden Hall, and I noticed as I got closer to the door that she had been holding it open for me for a good two minutes. "I can get the door myself, you know," I told the girl as I maneuvered my wheelchair through the door. Her response?


'U' doesn't support apparel workers

Please, I ask The State News, from student to student, apologize for the wording of the article "'U' officials' meeting on workers' rights brings student protest" (SN 4/15). It represents the students as anti-workers' rights and the MSU administration as pro-workers' rights when, in fact, the truth is the exact opposite. University officials are not trying to protect workers' rights.


Students need to clean up after class

I'm getting quite bored with reading the opinion section and seeing people try to state facts. Supposed "facts" like Israel is a democratic state, John Bice is wrong, Michael Moore is wrong, etc. How about this "fact"? I'm sick of going into lecture halls and seeing them trashed.


Powerful pride

How much progress have we really made? Maybe 20 years ago, gender or sexual orientation was as seemingly public as it always had been since the beginning of time. Now, it's a pop culture phenomenon.


Easy payments

MSU is going to have to work out some kinks because of its decision to switch to e-billing. Starting this summer, students no longer will receive their bills in the mail.