Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



SN needed to print counterpoint to Lala

One of my African-American students approached me after class about the "opinion" piece written by Jim Lala, "Liberal students' silent protest doesn't need words to be whiny"(SN 4/26). It's really difficult to understand why your newspaper chose to give this opinion piece such prominence when it appears to be insulting on several levels and to several populations.


Drafty days

If you're an MSU athlete, the day of your professional draft probably features one virtual lock.


Lala needs to be educated on rape

I read Jim Lala's column ("Liberal students' silent protest doesn't need words to be whiny" SN 4/26) about the silent protest, and while I found his writing to be very creative, I'm afraid I don't have the space to do the whole thing justice. As a former rape counselor and educator, I'll focus on his segment about rape.


Feedback wanted

Why break precedent if you don't have to? While the trustees did miss the first all-faculty forum in eight years, it never has been typical for the trustees to show up to an internal faculty meeting.


War too uncertain; no more should die

I am writing in response to the article "Michigan mother copes with the death of her Army Ranger son in Iraq" (SN 4/20). I have seen a lot of stories in The State News, but this one had the greatest effect on me.


Rice good speaker; protests not needed

What I have seen and heard about the supposed protests that will take place regarding the choice of Condoleezza Rice as the commencement speaker ("Groups plan protest of Rice appearance" SN 4/22) has given me reason to believe that these protests are politically motivated.


No preaching

In its mission statement, the MSU Residence Halls Association asserts it is "committed to continuously improving the on-campus experience at Michigan State University." In satisfying the unyielding demand for box-office movies at budget prices, RHA does a punch-up job.


Parking situation on campus ridiculous

I have a couple suggestions for the MSU parking division. First, I'd like to propose that you incorporate a direct-deposit feature, so you can take the fees right from our bank accounts without us even leaving the cozy confines of our automobile.


Student-parents deserve 'U' support

This is in response to Brandon Scott's letter "Parents burden to care for kids, not 'U'" (SN 4/23). It certainly is true that student-parents have a serious burden they have to deal with on their own.


Healthy waterways

Michiganians are literally surrounded by water. Living in the Great Lakes state means added tourism to recreational waterways and access to freshwater resources the rest of the world can only envy. But if we want these resources to stay clean, Michigan residents and legislators need to take action - and that's exactly what they did this past week. In honor of Earth Day, Gov.


Greek week needs more SN coverage

I want to thank Joseph Clark for coming to our Greek Week 2004 and giving us a chance. I want to thank him for noticing the good we do, and thank him for letting himself see the good that the greek community has to offer. I also want to thank the entire greek community; Greek men and women of MSU coming together this spring to devote their time and hearts to raising $101,281 for the American Cancer Society, $15,000 to Special Olympics and $5,000 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


Parents burden to care for kids, not 'U'

I believe that Laleah Fernandez ("'U' should help out student-parents" SN 4/21) misses an important point regarding the university's obligations toward student-parents: Having a child and all that it entails is solely the volitional choice of the parent.


People's voice

Should an East Lansing motorist strike an East Lansing pedestrian on an East Lansing street at an unsafe speed, it seems contrary that anyone but an East Lansing resident rectify the situation. But more and more, as East Lansing streets and others around the state increase or lower speed limits, local officials have very little to do with any modification whatsoever.