Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



As deadline approaches, senior shares his story about 'U'

As a wide-eyed freshman, armed with a pen and a notepad, I frantically walked along Harrison Avenue searching for the site of my first story as a State News reporter. Fighting the dark, cold air and wet January sky, I paced back and forth along that long, foreign road.


Congrats to 'U'

Excuse us. Please, give us a minute. We're not good at goodbyes. We don't need to tell you - today is officially the last day of spring classes at MSU. It's the last day of school, and Alice Cooper couldn't be prouder that school is, in fact, out for the summer.


Outdoor furniture

It's been almost a year since frustrated students had to drag their makeshift lawn furniture into their houses.


Students for Bush silenced on campus

The day after members of MSU Students for Bush chalked the campus to announce our kickoff meeting, we found our messages across campus and especially at the Union erased and replaced with "No Rice" chalkings protesting MSU's commencement speaker. It is shameful that students who are working to elect someone other than President Bush must try to keep students from engaging in political activism to further their cause.


Research bucks

The Michigan Life Sciences Corridor is nearly five years old, just enough time for researchers and private industries to begin seeing the benefits of its early inception.


Misunderstandings cleared up by Lala

On Tuesday, Patrick Walters wrote a column ("Journalistic saboteurs beware: There's still time to improve" SN 4/27) in which he made the outrageous claim that I had implied that "rape education is a bad idea." My stance on rape education is that it is fine but not foolproof.


Tight budgets

It will be a lesson of hard knocks that every city will learn when the state Legislature hammers out what cuts will come from, well, everywhere.


Serven up

It's official. At ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government, the inmates finally have assumed control of the asylum. In a move that ranges from empty threat to all-out insubordination, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Representative Bruce Serven has asked the MSU Board of Trustees to revoke university recognition of ASMSU as the official undergraduate student government.


Young adults more pro-life than past

According to polls, our generation is more pro-life than our parents' generation, a trend demonstrated by the differing views stated by older abortion supporter Louise Kazarinoff and pro-life MSU sophomore Molly Pappas.