Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Convenience culture overcomplicates

Americans today detest inconvenience. In fact, in recent years we, as a nation, have become addicted to the sort of commercialism that depicts someone with the ability to drive an elephant-sized sport utility vehicle, talk on a microscopic cell phone, drink a double grande machiato with no foam, and order a super-sized drive-thru meal with a diet Coke all while using a Palm Pilot to order the latest pair of cargo pants from the Gap. Is this simply a revolution in multitasking, or have the intentions of convenience become the vehicle for a less-than-convenient lifestyle? It seems that with every new convenience innovation, the time allotted for normal everyday tasks diminishes. With the capability to conference call while flying first class to Beijing to seal the deal, employers today allow less time and/or leniency to their on-the-go employees.


SN crime reporting policy draws fire

While reading the letter to the editor, "Mayo robbery article should have said race" (SN 4/30), I was surprised to learn that State News policy prohibits the publication of race in a criminal act.


Civil parallels

What is it about May 17 that makes it host to triumph over civil rights struggles? On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court ruled the "separate but equal" facilities of segregated public schools were unjust.


Skyrocketing gas prices halt travel

Each year we travel about 1,800 miles, but seeing that gas companies keep moving gas prices up, I and most of the people I know are not planning to travel outside of Michigan - or outside of town.


Policy harmful to campus living, city

What a cop out, what a crock: Editor's note: It is the practice of The State News to not identify the race of accused, at-large suspects unless other descriptive factors exist that will narrow down the list of suspects substantially.


Announcement should have waited

Could (MSU President M. Peter) McPherson possibly have worse timing? On a day dedicated to celebration for the graduating seniors and their friends and family, our esteemed president has to steal the limelight by announcing plans for his retirement at the university's convocation ceremony.


RIAA strikes back

The old saying goes, "don't do the crime if you can't do the time." Or is it, "don't do the crime if you think you might get caught?" Or better yet, "don't get caught doing something stupid if you don't know the consequences." The Recording Industry of America is making an example of nine accused MSU students who they say chose to share copyrighted music using the university network. The university was required by a court order to release the names of the students involved to the RIAA. While the school was responsible for locating the identified individuals, they did not take part in their punishment nor did they take the matter any further within the university.


Research editorial misses many points

The editorial "Research Bucks" (SN 4/29) reflects several misconceptions about university funding, graduate education and indeed the nature of a university. One, the assertion that "the more numbers divulged, the more sensible the move to Grand Rapids is becoming," is unfounded.


Shame of a nation

The abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers amounts to nothing less than a human rights disaster. Public outcries for the court martialing and detainment of those who directly participated in the abhorrent acts leads one to believe that the common perception is that the individuals should be held accountable.


Happy trails

In light of MSU President M. Peter McPherson's coming departure, we at The State News think it apropos to disclose some of the quirks and idiosyncrasies common to MSU's 19th president. The "M" stands for Melville.


Sharing is stealing

Stealing is wrong, no matter what. Not even if you're just stealing the latest Britney Spears tune electronically - it's still stealing. The Recording Industry Association of America announced earlier this week that it will sue 69 college students across the country, out of almost 500 total offenders.


Mayo robbery article should have said race

Mayo robbery article should have said race During the week of April 19, a male student was brutally beaten unconscious and robbed while not resisting to give up his wallet ("3 men rob Mayo Hall room, still at large" SN 4/23). In that same incident, a woman was punched and thrown into a radiator when she tried to intervene. Did anyone read about the severity of the attack?