Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



U.S. under scrutiny

As sentiments from international organizations are added to the exponentially growing scrutiny regarding the United States' anti-terror policies, we have to ask ourselves, "has the United States sacrificed human rights in the name of national security?" The claims by groups such as Amnesty International concerning corrupt U.S.


Leader search

It's never too early to mull a smart decision. On June 3, the MSU Board of Trustees will meet to begin the long-term - and, most likely, arduous - process of choosing a candidate to replace the departing President M.


Local businesses give city character

I am truly thankful to the editorial board of The State News for bringing the importance of small businesses to light ("Mom and Pop," SN 5/25). Nobody I know proposed to their wife at a McDonald's, or invites friends back to this nice little place he knows tucked away in East Lansing called Subway. I've been here for four years; I'm about to start my last year, and it's disgusting that even my favorite places, before I even become an alumnus, are gone.


Bigger autos don't mean safer travel

As an automotive enthusiast, I consider myself to have a good deal of vehicular knowledge. Consequently, I enjoy sharing this knowledge with others, often injecting myself into conversations regarding anything automotive. Over the past few years, I've noticed an interesting trend in where these discussions tend to lead.


Theological stride

Support by lawmakers of a move allowing scholarships for theology students has scholars singing praises. The State Senate unanimously voted in favor of a bill last week to approve scholarship funding for theological studies Initial hesitation for the measure was prompted by the fear of dispute regarding the separation of church and state. However, laws that would deny scholarships for those who choose to study theology are essentially discriminatory.


Mom and Pop

On the evening of a blazing East Lansing summer, follow the Red Cedar east, winding through the bramble, and weaving past the low ash branches until you reach a small clearing just past city limits.


Kerry the man with the plan in 2004

Imagine the possibilities for our great country if the right man were president. With dynamic vision and the correct priorities, John Kerry will redirect the vast resources of the United States from war and tax breaks for millionaires, to meeting the glaring needs of the American people.


SN is here for 'U'; send us some feedback

Editor's note: The following column contains ranting, allegations, opinions, monstrosities, theories, idiosyncrasies, babbling and ballyhoo which do not represent the views of The State News, or the writer, for that matter. • George W.


Bice needs to stop beating dead horse

Why does the State News continue to run John Bice's editorials ("Religion and mental instability an extremely dangerous combination," SN 05/24)? I think by now that we all understand Mr. Bice is an atheist who feels that those who believe in God are irrational fools.


Employment boost

The unemployment rate in Michigan has historically been higher than the U.S. rate, and has caused many of the state's college graduates to fear for their future or to look elsewhere for employment opportunities. However, with an announcement by Gov.


Holy smokes

Smoke 'em if you got 'em, Michigan. Your worst fears of hefty state taxes on cigarettes are quashed, and we're so happy that we could cough up a lung. Not on the merit that smoking is a positive activity, of course.


Tax evasion nothing less than unpatriotic

Tax evaders beware: You are unpatriotic. April 15 has come and gone. What a relief to millions of private Americans, and also to public corporations, which have a whole year to talk to their lawyers and accountants and plan how to avoid taxes in 2005.


Nice save, Council

If you were ever an avid fan of "Sesame Street," you might remember the public television slogan: "Libraries are the future." Tuesday, at a meeting of the City Council, the fate of the East Lansing Public Library was in jeopardy when it and the repair of city streets and sidewalks were on the chopping block for funding. However, the future of the library was insured by $50,000 in budget funding to aid in the updating of the institution. The decision to continue this level of excellence is an important step in the promotion of the city as an accessible place for interested scholars, especially youth. As a city where a respect for the arts is significant, East Lansing is further establishing itself among the world of the literate by allowing of the library to flourish and putting the demands of the streets and sidewalks second. The East Lansing Public Library has always aimed its faculties toward the future, and even in its mission statement it pledges to "facilitate and promote lifelong learning." And with the funding provided by the city, the library will have new materials and be more up-to-date. The resulting increase in possible tourism and appeal to potential incoming residents as a result of an updated library could in fact promote enough revenue to later be used in the repairs of streets and sidewalks. In this way, the City Council is not only doctoring the library, it is planning for the future.


Complaints over gas prices arbitrary

This is in response to Janet Page's letter "Skyrocketing gas prices halt travel" (SN 5/18). Three words: quit yer whinin'! Some of us travel more than 1,800 miles a year for leisure and work and have no plans on stopping as gas prices fluctuate but steadily increase faster than the admissions grade-point average into the Eli Broad College of Business.


Students to blame for low test scores

Robert McFadden's complaint about a mathematics professor (Nazarov) who gives low grades ("Profs to blame for low test scores," SN 5/17) shows how uninformed many students are about their own mathematical abilities.


Gas guzzling

Who is holding the smoking gun responsible for regular, unleaded self-serve gas prices topping $2.009 per gallon? President Bush says that if his energy bill had passed three years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess.