Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Decades of glory

The 60th anniversary of D-Day is an immensely significant commemoration for the brave soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy, France.


Moore's messages need to be heard

Most everyone has heard the story about Michael Moore's new documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11." If somehow you haven't, here's the scoop, briefly: Moore's movie sharply criticizes George W.


Totally uncool

When East Lansing and Lansing make their entrance at the annual mixer party for Michigan cities later this year, Sault Ste.


Business managers often overly-pompous, need lessons in people

Management take note: Just because you run a store, doesn't mean you run the world. After working too many years in not fabulous jobs in the evergrowing and most-annoying food-service industry, I've realized the people who are in charge of said establishments aren't always the most qualified for the job.


Tour of duty

The U.S. Army recently expanded a program called "stop-loss" that would prevent soldiers awaiting deployment for Iraq and Afghanistan from leaving the military at the end of their required service.


Criticism of Bice column misses point

While I normally think John Bice's columns are drab and repetitive, the criticism for his last column is somewhat off ("Bice column unduly implicates religion," SN 6/1). Janice Munk implicates that Stalin, Pot and Castro relied on rational thought as opposed to religion to make their deplorable decisions, whereas most agree it is evident that they actually used neither.


Homeland 101

It is clear that our country, state and university are facing a great deal of uncertainty in coming months.


St. Vincent Home helps 'U' students

Thank you for your article in Thursday's State News about the new building for St. Vincent Home for Children ("Shelter offers new hope," SN 5/27). In addition to a new facility for young people and its services to the community, Catholic Social Services/St.


Johnson statue undeserved, monument should be erected for Smith

On most Tuesday and Thursday mornings, I walk past the Breslin Center on my way to class. My walk takes me past the Earvin "Magic" Johnson statue that now juts out in front of the Breslin ticket office, and I'm usually within 20 yards or so of his big bronzed likeness. I get to see Magic's visage twice a week.


Money wasted on unused access

I'm a little concerned by the recent article and news that MSU looks to be under more pressure for more accessibility to the buildings on campus ("Opening doors," SN 5/27). I graduated more than a year ago, and spent four straight years at MSU, including living on campus for two summers.


Summer of terror

News of higher terror alerts overwhelms today's media. There is more specificity toward who, what, where and when terrorist attacks might occur.The government, along with the media, might be creating a culture of fear rather than knowledge. Surely, one should be vigilant during the Bush administration's allegations of new terrorism threats and alerts.


Bice column unduly implicates religion

John Bice's article "Religion and mental instability an extremely dangerous combination" (SN 5/24) had many points begging for a response, but due to space limitations I will only comment on a few.


Anti-Republican cartoon offensive

I would like to take this time to voice my utter disappointment and disgust with the recent cartoon by Patrick Walters depicting the Republican National Convention as the next terror threat (SN 5/27). Walters, you have gone too far this time.


Tax on deadly habit not regressive

I'm glad to see how happy The State News is about tobacco tax being voted down ("Holy Smokes," SN 5/24). I hope they will be happy as they continue to watch the smoking rate and illness rate among MSU students rise.


Easy access

Welcome to Michigan State University. We offer a broad range of beautiful, aesthetic and artistic points of interest throughout our historic campus, all ready for you to explore and make part of your life as a college student.