Thursday, March 6, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Council needs 'chill pill;' decisions insane

What is happening to my alma mater? More restrictions on partying with the ridiculous extension of ordinances against outdoor drinking games? Incredible. My four years at MSU were filled with great times (the "Magic" years), great partying and a successful education.


Rags to riches

Detroit has a bad reputation. There are people who claim it's a dangerous, ugly city — most of whom have never actually been there. Some of them don't live in Michigan, and some are talk show hosts. They won't venture downtown, but they offer plenty of opinion on what's wrong with it. But when people come to Detroit for Super Bowl XL on Sunday, they will get a chance to see Detroit for what it really is and not what stereotypes say it is. When it was first announced in November 2000 that Detroit would host the 2006 Super Bowl, questions and jokes were incessant. Who would want to go to the big game in a crime-infested city like Detroit? But city officials and residents have taken the challenge to show visitors how wrong their misconceptions are by presenting all the city has to offer.


Comments about Iran exaggerated

I disagree with many of the assertions made by Ruzbeh Hosseini in his recent opinion column, "International cooperation, attention — not force — needed in Iran" (SN 1/30). One of the few points on which I agree with Hosseini is his assertion that violent intervention in Iran by the international community would be "disastrous." However, his column is full of vague references to the "Iranian people," as if it were a homogeneous entity.


Following all Bible doctrines impossible

I was appalled when I read what Steven Szasz wrote in "Column gives bad view of Christians" (SN 1/30). The majority of our country bases its religion on a book that, as Jon Stewart put it, begins with "two nudists taking dietary advice from a talking snake." This is to all of the people out there like Szasz who believe firmly in the Bible. My question, though, is that if you want to quote things out of the Bible, you have to believe everything that the Bible says, don't you?


Beautification takes work; women need to be liberated from ritual

My upper lip is burning and tingling while my nose is subjected to harsh bleach fumes. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. I am sitting here, waiting precisely eight minutes until I can wash my face and reveal lightened baby hairs that could have potentially been a subtle set of whiskers. Clearly, this is not allowed for women. While I personally subject myself to pain and severe tingling sensations, I am reminded of all the little (and big) things that women endure to conform to the stereotype that is our gender role. Makeup.


New justice in town

Tuesday's confirmation of Judge Samuel A. Alito as the United State's 110th Supreme Court justice signified a political triumph for the Bush administration.


Continual subjecting of women exposed

Reading "Scholarly article connecting sex, hunting disgusting; uninformed opinions false" (SN 1/11) concerning the research findings relating hunting, women, animals and sex was particularly infuriating. Regrettably, even after years of struggle, women still remain constant victims of abuse.


Writer's comments about King irrational

David Garlock's arguments, "Historical man not worth vast attention", (SN 1/19), are without merit and look to me to be a product of personal bias rather than rational criticism. His argument is that the "forced" holiday commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Where we stand

It's been a tough second term for President Bush. Republican finance scandals, Hurricane Katrina and continuing fighting in Iraq made 2005 stressful. Bush tried to push past the rough start and outline his goals for the next few years in his State of the Union address Tuesday. But it was what he didn't mention in his speech that's important. Somewhat surprising was how brief Bush's mention of Hurricane Katrina and the devastation in the Gulf Coast region was.


E.L. restricting MSU students' basic rights

The level of police control regarding parties and noise violations has reached a level of absurdity and the new anti-drinking game initiative serves only to harm an already poor student/police relationship. The wording of the existing law leaves too much to police discretion. Last spring, I received a noise violation to the tune of $250 with just eight people in my Cedar Village apartment while watching music videos and playing beer pong at a moderate volume.


'Successful' dubbing of programs strange

I see John Bice has moved from theology to humor in "Lazy analysis of scandal, government spending gives narrow view"(SN 1/24). Socialist Insecurity, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and public broadcasting are examples of "successful" government programs? I'd hate to see his version of "failed" government programs. Since the above-mentioned statist programs are so "successful," I guess we can ignore any and all future whining about any need for additional funding. Tim Olster 1989 graduate


Court out of order

The Saddam Hussein war crimes trial is getting out of hand. The courtroom scene Sunday was a bit chaotic to say the least, resulting in a five-day postponement because of Saddam's and other defendants' fanatical outbursts. All four lead defendants (later including Saddam) were removed from the courtroom and the defense team walked out in protest, leaving the trial to proceed.