Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Sex education key to making abortion rare

I am writing in response to all the letters regarding abortion that have been published recently. First, I think everybody needs to realize that anybody who has strong views on this emotionally and politically sensitive issue will not change their minds.


Keeping the peace

Almost everyone agrees what happened last April 2-3 was a disaster. The events that took place after the MSU men's basketball team lost in the Final Four were a shame to the city and students.


Unwanted pregnancy could be avoidable

In response to Kyle Coveart's inflammatory letter, "Fetus is human, not merely 'wad of cells'" (SN 2/10), I would like to stand up for the "left in this country" in negating his statement that we are pro-choice because "pregnancy is such an inconvenience to (our) promiscuous sexual lifestyles." Not only is this an atrocious statement to make, but it is extremely fallacious.


Losing the flame

Despite Friday's opening ceremonies for the Olympics being the most-watched program on NBC all year, the games have been losing popularity. The 22.8 million viewers that tuned in are only half the number that watched the events four years ago.


People skirting issues, merely comment on 'tastelessness' of images

If you haven't noticed, political cartoons have been in the news a lot lately, both at home and abroad. The Muslim world is in an uproar over several European cartoons depicting Muhammad — the most infamous being a Danish cartoon showing the Prophet wearing a turban shaped like a bomb. Although Islam forbids visual representations of Muhammad in any context because it is considered idolatrous, the reaction seems just a bit excessive: Violent demonstrations have sprung up across the Muslim world and Europe, resulting in several deaths and the arson of numerous European embassies and consulates. In light of the fact that publications in the Muslim world routinely churn out cartoons depicting Jews as hook-nosed Nazis, the reaction seems to be not only overkill but hypocritical. To the uninitiated, it seems like the Muslim world overreacting disingenuously, even insanely.


Following the plan

The wait might be over, but anxiety about the East Village Master Plan remains. The new development in the Cedar Village area will include buildings with space for residential, retail and office use, provide higher-density housing and allow for better public access to the area through the creation of a park and pedestrian-friendly streets. There's no question that the development will improve the shabby looking area.


Slanted language skews facts, opinion

I read Kyle Bristow's letter "Feminist, pro-choice views incompatible" (SN 2/09) and found it heavy in slanted language and light on scientific fact. The statement that over 46 million "babies" have been aborted is absolutely false.


Writers' logic flawed; don't justify murder

In response to Kim Dyer's and Jeff Sievert's letters, "Scripted responses don't give all sides" (SN 2/07) and "Women should make own bodily decisions" (SN 2/07), defending abortion rights, I offer the following criticism. First, what could be more scripted, or predictable, than Dyer's charge that the answer to the abortion problem is to not have one if one does not believe they are morally permissible?


We'll be watching

MSU needs more money, but it's going to have to make do with what it gets next year. We're interested in seeing how MSU trustees will distribute funds. Members of the MSU Board of Trustees realized the need for more funding at their meeting on Friday — after Gov.


Abortion up to court, not people's biases

There have been many letters in The State News this week about choice, and specifically about a cartoon The State News ran criticizing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's views on the constitutional right to privacy — specifically in dealing with abortion (SN 1/27). I think these letters truly miss the point. It is not up to Katie Wilcox, "Cartoon makes light of unsafe abortion" (SN 2/1), nor is it up to politicians to decide what are good and bad medical procedures.


More, please

Gov. Jennifer Granholm is starting to realize if she wants qualified professionals to play a role in improving Michigan's economy, the state's going to have to pay up. Granholm released her budget for the 2007 fiscal year (which begins Oct.


Preachers are more annoying than helpful

I was walking out of Wells Hall around 10 a.m. and, of course, passed one of the "Wells Hall preachers." When I was passing him, he was pointing and singling out students telling them that they were going to go to hell because they devote their lives to academia instead of to Jesus Christ.


SN irresponsible with housing guide how-to

If there's one thing the MSU students don't need lessons on, it's "How to party." Over the past few years, I have watched the relationship between the East Lansing residents and MSU students and have been severely disappointed.


Bad move with MCRI

The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative is too important to lie about. Especially when it was so hard to understand before it was reworded in late January. The controversy surrounding the MCRI continues to intensify — accusations are being brought up against the legitimacy of signatures obtained to get the disputed measure on November's ballot. Circulators of petitions supporting the MCRI are being accused of lying to citizens about the purpose of the initiative by saying it supported affirmative action.