In response to "Fetus is human, not merely 'wad of cells' (SN 2/10) by Kyle Coveart:
Of all the anti-abortion arguments in The State News in the last few weeks, yours alone represents the epitome of ignorance to fact above all the others.
A direct quote from your letter states, "The left in this country is usually against the killing of other humans and are usually the ones standing up for basic human rights and liberties, but because pregnancy is such an inconvenience to their promiscuous sexual lifestyles, they need to somehow justify having an abortion without compromising their beliefs of 'not killing.'"
Your assumption of a "promiscuous sexual lifestyle" is an outrageous statement.
Please, tell me, are you a virgin?
And if you are not, like the vast majority of people in college, did you practice safe sex?
Because condoms break, birth control isn't 100 percent effective and never can be, and rape happens every day.
People who have had sex even once have become pregnant.