Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Some apology

Fred Poston is sorry students were inappropriately teargassed last April 2-3. Poston, the vice president for finance and operations at MSU, made an apology at a joint meeting between Residence Halls Association and ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government.


Censoring images inhibits free speech

After all the commentary — "Freedom of press must be respected; violence not suitable reaction," "People skirting issues, merely comment on 'tastelessness' of images" and "Danish cartoon depiction inaccurate perception; needlessly offensive" (SN 2/14) — about the Danish cartoons which depicted Muhammad in an offensive light, one question stands out: Should the right to freedom of speech protect offensive or tasteless speech? I must absolutely say yes.


Logical arguments by 'pro-death' flawed

I am writing in response to the letter by Jocelyn Peirce, "Abortion, Holocaust can't be compared" (SN 2/15). We endlessly listen to pro-choicers talk about the rights of the mother, but what of the father's?


Cells are living, basis of all living things

This is in response to the letter by Shane Krouse, "Fetus not living until it exits womb, born" (SN 2/08). I'm 20 years old and still rely on my parents for survival. Yeah, this seems like an absurd claim, to compare a 20-year-old to an unborn child, but when do you draw the line?


Writer skews facts, doesn't know Europe

As a student from the Netherlands visiting MSU for a couple of weeks, my attention was drawn to Mike Ramsey's "People skirting issue, merely comment on 'tastelessness' of images" (SN 2/14). His description of a bigoted, anti-Muslim Europe clearly demonstrates his ignorance of Europe. It leads me to question whether he has ever visited Europe and, if so, I am sure he has not ventured far outside the tourist areas where he might have encountered the truth about the problems he so hastily attributes to European racism. I don't know how much time Ramsey spent researching his story, but he has obviously missed that Europe has provided non-Western immigrants with resources like housing, welfare and health care for more than 30 years without demanding anything in return. Many immigrant communities — first and foremost the Islamic — are now turning on their hosts.


DPPS inconsistent with ticketing power

The parking division of the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety serves as a prime example of enforcer-student problems at MSU. Academics at the university are exceptional, the sports are invigorating and the campus is one of the most beautiful in the nation.


Primary concern

On Tuesday, you'll get the chance to decide who should run for the Michigan Senate. A special election on March 14 was announced by Gov.


Significant budget typo

Maybe some college students don't understand all the particulars of balancing a checkbook or keeping track of money. But you'd think that members of ASMSU — with a budget of about $850,000 — would be a little more knowledgeable when it comes to financial matters. Unfortunately, however, ASMSU's Academic Assembly found errors before the undergraduate student government's budget was proposed at its meeting Tuesday. The "typo" was an addition error that failed to account for $5,000 on promotional spending and changed the total amount presented on the budget. That's quite a typo. Sure, everyone makes mistakes.


Learn political beliefs from Libertarian, not Bice's one-sided views

In John Bice's columns, "Lazy analysis of scandal, government spending gives narrow view" (SN 1/24) and "There must be balance between government, personal responsibility" (SN 2/06), he explained libertarian ideas and then commented on why they are "the most radical, simplistic and generally unappealing answer of all." I hate it when someone tries to tell you what to think and why you're wrong without consulting you first.


Sidewalk preachers can easily be avoided

This opinion is in opposition to Dan Jakeway's "Sidewalk preaching harmful to listen to" (2/8). I could sum this up into one sentence that would resolve the issue titled: Don't listen to these preachers if it harms you! Some individuals are interested in the word of the Bible, and a few have actually been enlightened by the preachers outside Wells Hall. People need to realize that the preachers are not violating any ordinances.


Bill unlikely to succeed

One of the worst parts of being a college student is spending ridiculous amounts of money on books you often don't even want to read. Complaints about exorbitant prices and professors who require too many books are everywhere during the first few weeks of classes. In response to the issue, ASMSU (MSU's student government) is working on a plan that could lower textbook costs through a projected $50-per-year refund for students.


After response

Although President Bush's administration has admitted to a slow response to Hurricane Katrina, it still needs to work a few things out. More criticism of the federal government's response to the hurricane that decimated New Orleans and parts of the Gulf Coast region has been voiced this week as the House of Representatives and Senate held hearings about the slow government response to the disaster. Admitting that mistakes were made in how the hurricane was handled, government officials said they plan on making more than 100 recommendations to improve government response to disasters.


Evolutionary theory, science needed to vaccinate irrational beliefs

Why do creationists fight to inject their religious beliefs into public school evolution curriculum? They claim they're interested in "teaching the controversy." However, within the scientific community, there is no controversy over the reality of Darwin's brilliant insight; evolutionary theory has never been stronger and more demonstrably obvious than it is today.


Student's death is reminder to others

Stems of yellow flowers lie on top of the cold white snow held together by a ribbon and carefully placed at the base of the street sign where Dannielle Brandt's life ended last Friday night while crossing the street at Mt.