Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Primaries unneeded in election process

OK, we just completed phase one of the "special election" for the open Michigan Senate seat. And we get to do it all over again in a few weeks. Why are we voting twice when we could vote once, if the Ingham County commissioners would adopt instant runoff voting?


State of our MSU future

ASMSU, the undergraduate student government, has stepped up. The State of the Student Address on Tuesday night laid out ASMSU's future goals for MSU and students — including program proposals, projects and lobbying activities.


Right-handed people need to be considerate of left-handed minority

I have finally come to terms with what makes me different from 90 percent of the population. After a multitude of art projects and papers smudged with partial handprints and far too many shirts with stained left sleeves, I have finally accepted the fact that I'm left-handed. It all started back in elementary school. It never failed.


Keep eyes open

At least we know where our socks are going when we find one missing from the dryer. Laundry, among other items including cell phones and laptop computers, is among the $20,000 worth of personal property that has been stolen on campus since the spring semester began. MSU police Sgt.


Writers should know abortion procedures

In the letters to the editor that have attacked my argument against abortion, no one has countered my points with factual evidence. In this letter, I will counter their rhetoric with the facts of abortion and leave it up to you to decide whether you think it is acceptable for America to allow abortion on demand to continue.


Big Easy summer

Not all students spend their summers at the beach or working full-time jobs. A group of MSU students will travel to New Orleans for about four weeks to work with summer school programs.


People will have sex; help educate others

In response to "Fetus is human, not merely 'wad of cells' (SN 2/10) by Kyle Coveart: Of all the anti-abortion arguments in The State News in the last few weeks, yours alone represents the epitome of ignorance to fact above all the others. A direct quote from your letter states, "The left in this country is usually against the killing of other humans and are usually the ones standing up for basic human rights and liberties, but because pregnancy is such an inconvenience to their promiscuous sexual lifestyles, they need to somehow justify having an abortion without compromising their beliefs of 'not killing.'" Your assumption of a "promiscuous sexual lifestyle" is an outrageous statement. Please, tell me, are you a virgin? And if you are not, like the vast majority of people in college, did you practice safe sex? Because condoms break, birth control isn't 100 percent effective and never can be, and rape happens every day. People who have had sex even once have become pregnant.


Torture wrong; U.S. must be leading example of freedom, decency

A new round of images of Abu Ghraib prisoners in Iraq was broadcast last week in Australia. The images show some of the prisoners naked, with hoods on their heads or in sexual positions. The whole situation is extremely disheartening and makes me wonder how we are ever going to win the war in Iraq with this hanging over our heads.


Up in their face

MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon is putting much-needed pressure on Michigan legislators to make funding for higher education a priority — especially for MSU. Simon met with members of the Senate Appropriations Committee on Friday to argue for more funding for MSU and other universities.


Unwanted children worse than abortion

With all the same old regurgitated pro/anti-choice letters lately, I thought I'd take a third angle at it. I'm pro-abortion, meaning I don't only think that there should be a choice, but that it should be done more often. The hard-core religious right always goes on about the right to life, but what about the rights of the parents (notice not just mother) to life, liberty and namely the pursuit of happiness? Whether the pro-life crowd is willing to admit it or not, unwanted pregnancies ruin lives, especially teen pregnancies.


ASMSU selling out untrue; facts omitted

The column by Philip Moon, "ASMSU is selling out its constituents with Mobile Campus service" (SN 2/09), failed to press the importance of several points about the bill passed by Student Assembly. The most important being that bill 42-60 does not force MSU into a contract with Mobile Campus.


Wait to banish Coke

As you sit there in the cafeteria, reading your copy of The State News (hopefully), the pop you're drinking symbolizes a large debate on campus. The Students for Economic Justice, or SEJ, accuse Coca-Cola of treating workers poorly and being anti-union.


Take your pick

Five people will compete in the primary today for the Senate seat vacated by Virg Bernero, mayor of Lansing.


SN misleads readers with MCRI editorial

The State News editorial titled "Bad move with MCRI" (SN 2/13) is misleading on two fronts. First, you give too much weight to the fraud claims directed against petition circulators while ignoring the accusers.


Fetuses show human traits, have own lives

As the mother of a 5-month-old beautiful, "baby girl," not "baby fetus," I am disgusted at the carelessness and lack of knowledge of women in our society. I am not going to indulge in the battle of whether aborting your child is wrong or right — you all can make your own moral decisions. My issue here is the ignorance of some people who might in fact disagree with my opinion but have little real knowledge of birth. A baby or "fetus" in the first trimester has a beating heart.