Thursday, September 26, 2024

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People should know issues behind tactics

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: making you think. PETA obviously has achieved one of its goals, that is to encourage people to think and in turn express their opinions. Whether you agree with PETA or not, its shock tactics evoke people to either defend what they believe or open up to new avenues of thinking. Perhaps you weren't aware that by consuming the milk of another species, people inadvertently accept the following: Humans have evolved or were designed to never be weaned from a mother's milk or the milk of another species.


Gender identity not included in policies

This is in regard to the article "Race, gay issues focus of meetings" (SN 3/21). More students on campus might be familiar with the university's anti-discrimination policy, but the list of categories protected from harassment in the article ("age, color, gender, disability status, height, weight, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status") did not include gender identity. The MSU Board of Trustees voted in its Dec.


Lucky for students

Green beer was served as early as 7 a.m., and still there were fewer arrests this St. Patrick's Day than on an average football Saturday. And a low arrest record is something we should strive for again. Obviously MSU students like green year-round, but the Irish holiday gave Spartan fans another reason to tote green, from their clothing to their tongues.


Students praised for help in Big Easy

On behalf of all New Orleans area residents, I want to thank Sonia Khaleel, State News copy editor, Megan Sutton, my student, and the 21 other MSU students who participated in the Alternative Spring Break in New Orleans.


Voting in any election crucial; don't expect change by doing nothing

For a long time, I've aspired to be like my grandfather. He's a veteran of World War II, has a mean bowling average and almost never missed an election since he first started voting. He makes sure to get there every November, and for a long time volunteered at the polls. My grandfather of course, is a member of one of the largest voting demographic groups.


Film features strong point, performances

I am writing partially in response to Armon Mahajerin's letter, "'Crash' not great; doesn't stop racism" (SN 3/20). I agree with Stefanie Spiro's letter, "Brilliant films deserved recognition at Oscars" (SN 3/13), in that "Crash" was a well-written film that featured strong performances by a spectacular cast and delivered a powerful message.


Minimum wage hike helpful to economy

Both an editorial, "Long-awaited raise" (SN 3/16), and a letter, "New wage increase won't help economy" (SN 3/16), slam the proposed Michigan minimum wage hike. They said this might hurt those it is intended to help and might hurt our already fragile economy. As one who tried to live on minimum wage for a number of years after graduating from college, I heartily disagree. I dare to say that slave owners in the past said the same thing about the abolition of slavery, that the country would fall to pieces if the labor had to be paid. Sure, I could start my own business if I could pay employees 10 cents an hour because I can't afford more than that.


Take 5 to vote

ASMSU and RHA want you to vote in their elections this week. MSU's undergraduate student government and the Residence Halls Association are making it incredibly easy for students to vote for this year's student elections. They can vote either today or Wednesday. And it's online. ASMSU plans on having laptop computers stationed around campus so students can vote between classes for candidates to represent different colleges, halls and on a proposed $3 tax increase. Members of ASMSU say their tax increase, which would bring the ASMSU per-semester tax to $16.75, would help them continue and expand vital services. It's clear our student government is trying to make voting as easy for students as possible.


Bill might help more than writer believes

I would like to respond to the letter from Charles Szafir "New wage increase won't help economy" (SN 3/16). He says, "there are more efficient ways to do it (help poor people) (such as tax breaks for those in lower income brackets)." Tax breaks to low-income people will not do anything.


Bice merely spouts opinions, not fact

I find it interesting that John Bice's latest column, "Readers missed point in column; Bible not literally true, unchanging" (SN 3/17), does not address real evidence and merely spouts out his opinions. He does not address the fact that we have a great abundance of manuscript copies of the New Testament, but merely quotes an opinion unsupported with evidence. Consider this: We have more than 24,000 copies of the New Testament.


Good community effort

East Lansing's parks and facilities are good already. Improvement and public involvement will make them even better. The Community Parks and Recreation Plan steering committee met with the public last week to gain input on the development of a new five-year parks and recreation plan.


MSU will get more green

Small universities should have the chance to increase their funding, but MSU has more bang for its buck. A Republican proposal by a Senate panel last week might mean 11 Michigan universities would see a funding increase of less than 2 percent this fall.


Penetrable fortress

In the never-ending quest to keep students safe in residence halls and keep trouble-makers out, MSU officials are considering a change in how students are checked in after midnight. A new policy would require night receptionists to take residents' guests' ID cards, which could then be reclaimed when they leave the hall.


Taxing workaholics not biggest concerns

In response to the State News editorial, "Taxing workaholics" (SN 3/13), regarding a University of Michigan professor of economics' proposal to levy a workaholic tax on higher-income earners who might be placing their own physical and mental health in danger by working excessive hours, I wholeheartedly agree that this idea is ridiculous. People working too hard in order to make more money is by no means one of the major economic concerns of our era.


'Crash' not great; doesn't stop racism

I am writing partially in response to Stefanie Spiro's letter, "Brilliant films deserved recognition at Oscars" (SN 3/13). I agree with Ryan McCormick's column, "'Crash' doesn't deserve best picture nomination" (SN 3/02), in that the film was a shallow attempt to produce strong sentiment regarding various differential issues in society. Regarding the highly debated character portrayed by Sandra Bullock, the whole turning-to-her-maid-in-desperation affair was indeed pretty weak.