Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Other hazards exist besides broken meter

To add to the long list of MSU parking gripes — where is our ticket money going? In "Showdown at the meter" (SN 2/28), we are told the money from parking tickets stays in the department and is used for repairs, maintenance, etc; however, the Shaw Ramp is in need of some attention. As a business student who lives off campus, I drive to class quite often and mostly park in the Shaw Ramp.


Violence unneeded to counterprotest Nazis

In respect to whether Nazis should have the right to hold a rally at the Capitol this Saturday, I completely agree that they do. Nazis have the constitutional right to assemble and spew their hate speech. However, simply ignoring them, as some have proposed, and hoping they will go away is absolutely the wrong approach. That kind of apathetic response is what occurred in 1930s Germany. These racist thugs were ignored then and look what happened. The Lansing community needs to stop this ideology of racial annihilation from spreading by speaking out against it. Not by choosing to put it out of sight and out of mind.


SN should cover much ignored women's sport

Shame on you, State News. Shame on you for not shining any light on one of the best varsity teams on campus and in the country. The MSU women's rowing team is currently ranked 7th in the nation, and after another winning weekend will probably move up again.


Voters don't know complex MCRI details

Much of the recent discussion about affirmative action leads me to believe that a number of people who will be voting on the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI, don't fully understand the situation. Supporters of the MCRI start with the claim that preferential treatment based on color is racist. Opponents respond by pointing out that the beneficiaries of affirmative action are at an economic disadvantage, and that affirmative action helps to make up for that. Supporters then claim that poverty is colorblind and that schools should use geography rather than race to address this problem. This is where I think that supporters of the MCRI don't fully understand the situation.


Planning ahead

When Gov. Jennifer Granholm gave her State of the State address in January, she emphasized the role of research universities in improving Michigan's economy.


Attention needed to fight hateful rhetoric

After reading Jim Schwartz's letter "Don't draw attention to offensive language" (SN 4/17), I couldn't help but feel that he is a very misguided individual. Not only does he miss the point that a word does matter when it is part of your identity that is under attack, but also he fails to recognize that ignoring a problem rarely makes it go away. Individuals will not change their behavior unless given a reason to.


Citizens, students have right to know what governing officials do

I shouldn't be shocked by anything the United States government does anymore. Or the things it does, but doesn't tell me about. After all, I attend a university where the Board of Trustees routinely holds business dinners, and then tries to pass them off as social gatherings. A board that holds private committee meetings a day before the public meeting, and doesn't see anything wrong with keeping the public out. So why should I be surprised when my government starts removing public records from the U.S.


Don't be afraid of God

College students are usually more closely associated with binge drinking and cramming for exams than religion and spirituality. But a recent Harvard University Institute of Politics poll released last week, shows a majority of U.S.


Avoid violence; go to diversity celebration

Many MSU students are planning to go to the Capitol and protest the Nazi rally on April 22. This is the obvious thing to do, to show the Nazis their hate speech is not welcome here. The problem with this is, all too often, the protesters become violent and the police must step in to help the Nazis defend themselves.


MSU community must step up against hate

With many recent articles about the upcoming April 22 Nazi rally on the steps of the Capitol Building, I feel it is important that the MSU community speak out against the group's twisted views and hate speech.


Writer protects right to be discriminated

Hey, Etienne Fields, writer of "Affirmative action ban seeks to defend Americans' right to be racist" (SN 4/11), you have in your own words shown "time and time again" what promoters of affirmative action have done, by claiming that anyone opposed to your view is a racist. You claim that there has never been a ballot proposal that would prohibit affirmative action for women.


Speak your mind

East Lansing's City Council is looking for student input on some unlikely topics. It wants to know what you think about parties, noise and drinking. A public hearing will be held today at 7:30 p.m.


Current stalemate

Something fishy is going on around MSU lately, and it's not just the salmon the MSU Board of Trustees enjoyed Wednesday night. Last week the board shut out the public from its dinner inside Cowles House — again. This is happening despite the fact that some First Amendment lawyers have questioned the board's reasoning for closing its meetings. And the official incident report of a February assault in Hubbard Hall is apparently not a matter for the public either.


Don't draw attention to offensive language

I'd like to offer a fresh perspective on all of the recent happenings and concerns about ethnic and sexual hate. It is so often claimed that we, as a tolerant society, should learn to accept people of all walks of life, all colors, all persuasions, etc.