Sunday, January 12, 2025

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Spelling rule doesn't make sense, should be ignored

In your weekend edition there is a small snippet entitled "Spelling Rules …" as a part of the editorial "Spelling made not-so-easy" (SN 7/7). I was taken aback and more than a little disappointed to see The State News supporting the "'i' before 'e' except after 'c' or when sounding like an 'a'" rule.


Spelling made not-so-easy

Ther iz mor then one wae to do most thinz. Take for exzample speling. The Simplified Spelling Board was created about 100 years ago with the help of Andrew Carnegie.


Lesson from Lincoln

The maxim that those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it has a corollary: Those who study history will learn something about the present.


Letter writer deserves award for being obvious

I say give Daniel Jakeway a captain obvious award for his letter, "Gore's movie for political gain, not to save Earth," (SN 6/28), regarding Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth." The movie was made for political gain he says?


Global warming shouldn't be labeled as political tool

As someone with 10 years of experience in climate research, I must respond to Daniel Jakeway's letter, "Gore's movie for political gain, not to save Earth," (SN 6/28), and Jeff Wiggins' letter, "Climate changes natural, not due to global warming" (SN 6/28). Just to be clear — global warming was not invented as a political tool, and it has little to do with Al Gore.


Appealing to a higher power

Sometimes public safety outweighs a person's privacy. When someone puts the lives of others in danger, we should know what happened in order to better protect ourselves.


Gore's movie for political gain, not to save Earth

Al Gore's timing couldn't have been better. "An Inconvenient Truth" opens during the summer at the dawn of hurricane season following the devastation of the previous, in an election year in which Republican control is staggering, and at a time when popular consensus overwhelms the National Academy of Sciences to point circumstantial fingers at industrial causes for global climate change.


Climate changes natural, not due to global warming

It appears that some people disagree with my comments in the article "Planetary Meltdown," (SN 6/23), that global warming is not as big of a deal as the 2008 presidential hopeful portrays it to be — and yes I did regrettably pay the $7.50 to watch Al Gore's garbage, "An Inconvenient Truth." After seeing the movie, I began doing some research and found several highly qualified scientists in the fields of geology, climatology and paleoclimatology.


Bush administration should spread wealth by raising minimum wage

The Republican-led Congress continues to push a central theme of Bush administration economic policy: Help the ultra-rich whenever there's a window of opportunity, but don't throw a bone to the working poor unless it's an absolute political necessity. House GOP leaders are striving to exempt more multimillionaires from the estate tax after failing to win its outright repeal in the Senate.