Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Krouse influenced by psychic energy via Bice

Jason Smolinski was mistaken in his letter "Krouse taken over for Bice attacking Christians," (SN 8/2). Smolinski suggested that I might be writing under the pseudonym "Shane Krouse" to carry on "attacking Christians." That's not entirely true.


Krouse taken over for Bice attacking Christians

I was under the assumption that John Bice was done writing columns for The State News, but apparently he's manifested himself under the pseudonym "Shane Krouse." The arguments Krouse develops all seem to wind up attacking Christians in one way or another.


Students should do their part, not just get over riots

So, everyone should just "get over" the 2003 riots, as was suggested in the title of the editorial "Get over 2003, prevent future riots," (SN 7/31), and not use the destruction caused to people and property for future precautions and decision making by not only the police, but also by students and East Lansing residents? How unwise would it be if anyone actually took that advice and let people — like Kyle Thomas Manning — who are supposedly not a threat anymore, go home and live their normal lives, while the local suspects being charged with the same thing have to own up to the choices they made with Manning three years ago. What if we just "got over" everything?


Media, public shouldn't allow censorship in news

Hey, Caitlin — way to go! In Caitlin Scuderi's column, "News has been censored; whatever happened to being politically incorrect?" (SN 7/24), Scuderi struck the nerve that is at the core of journalism today, and I hope it reverberated among her readers. Scuderi wrote, "We traded original, creative writing in order to appeal to a larger audience, and it has only stunted our growth as a news forum and as an informed society." Modern journalism has become so concerned with being inoffensive and unbiased that it has stopped reporting the news and resorted to bland, surface stories that miss the mark. Is this the price we have to pay for sensitive stomachs?


Riots damaging to MSU, alumni reputation

I was very disappointed to read in The State News the editorial about the riots at MSU, "Get over 2003, prevent future riots," (SN 7/31). The statement, "Riots are commonplace at MSU," is ridiculous and I believe damaging to the reputation of MSU and its graduates.


There is infallible truth; Fish's column wrong

Cat Fish's opinion column "Reality is, we're all secretly agnostic," (SN 7/27), tries, and ultimately fails, to convince the readers that they are actually agnostic. Fish does this by trying to use the argument that there is no way to determine or perceive infallible truths in our world. Picture this: If a man or woman were to stroll into a random house in a random town and kill the house's occupants for absolutely no reason other than their own personal pleasure, is this right or wrong?


Abortion column even offends pro-choicers

I am neither pro-life nor religious, yet the column written by Shane Krouse, "Wad of cells does not equate to human life, abortion isn't murder," (SN 7/26), appalls me. Not only are his points offensive, they lack any type of reasoning or medical or political background.


Krouse right, unborn baby can't choose

This is in response to Shane Krouse's column "Wad of cells does not equate to human life, abortion isn't murder," (SN 7/26). Very few college students can "sustain life outside the womb" without lots of help from mommy and daddy. Would it be OK to abort them, too? The most important message in Krouse's column, which I agree with wholeheartedly, is that the unborn baby doesn't have the ability to choose for itself. Isn't it ironic that everyone in favor of abortion has already been born? Tim Olster 1989 graduate