Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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Change perspective: Attend Black Caucus

MSU's Black Caucuses have meetings to address issues that affect minority students. People of all races are invited — and are encouraged — to attend their meetings. Opportunities like attending Black Caucus meetings should not be passed up.


Popular culture turning college students into mindless caricatures

There was a time when university life was cultured. People from all over the world would come to the monolith of education that was a university and discuss politics and love over a cup of coffee. It was a place to expand and mature, to become better acquainted with the inner workings of the world from both the outside and within.


Board needs more transparency

Friday's decision to extend MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon's contract by three years was another unanimous one by the MSU Board of Trustees, but the unanimity was really no surprise — the board's meetings are just public relations junkets with little discussion and no dissent. It's not that Simon isn't a satisfactory president or that she's being paid too much; our quandary is not with her.


Republican chairman is an embarrassment to party

I am a staunch Republican and have been all my life. I have campaigned for many different Republican politicians, had the pleasure of shaking President Bush's hand, meeting Newt Gingrich and when I was in high school, I even went as far as to start a Republican club there.


'Fun with Guns' event typical for racist GOP

When I read the article "Recruiter's 'Fun with Guns' plan denounced" (SN 9/14), I honestly was not very shocked. From the vigilante group that call themselves "The Minutemen" to Pat Buchanan and many leading Republicans ranting and raving about how we should deport all Mexicans without proper documentation, we should expect activities like this to be taking place daily.


China has bigger problems than letter writer stated

In the letter regarding the Sept. 11 Opinion Page "9/11 editorial right, country led by fear" (SN 9/14), the author is incorrect in saying, "China does not have problems because China doesn't stick its nose in other countries' business." China's problems are much bigger and much more severe.


Adoption proposal allows for more freedom of religion

Who can adopt, who can't and who's to say? These questions have turned many conversations into controversy, and now the Michigan Legislature has taken a position. Recently, the House passed a bill that would ensure an adoption agency doesn't have to participate in an adoption that violates its religious beliefs.


Drivers should show bicyclists more respect

OK, yes, I get it: Michigan is the state where the automobile is king. But as a four-season, everyday bike commuter, a recent event prompts me to speak up for the state's official underdog — the bicyclist. My co-worker, riding in the appropriate bike lane on campus, was recently clipped and knocked off her bike by a young woman in a white car.


God shouldn't be used to justify any actions

I just finished reading the article about couples choosing abstinence, and their reasons for it ("Why some couples abstain from sex," SN 9/14). One thing that struck me as very interesting is that this is one more issue that has been related to God.


Ideas for recruiting are embarrassing

In a contentious election year, there is one thing the Democratic and Republican parties can agree on: The "Fun with Guns" and "Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day" recruiting events discussed on the University of Michigan campus are "appalling." The events were proposed by Morgan Wilkins, an independent contractor hired by the College Republicans National Committee, and included such activities as shooting cardboard cutouts of Democratic Party leaders and volunteers posing as illegal immigrants so that people could "capture" them for prizes. When the Republican Party was questioned, representatives said Wilkins was not associated with the Michigan Republican Party or the Republican National Committee. "We definitely want to engage students, but not in this way," Sarah Anderson, a spokeswoman for the party said.


Bush's latest torture bill still wrong

On Saturday, the Senate moved against President Bush's plan to legislate the authorization of military tribunals, the use of harsh interrogation tactics against suspected terrorists and a revising of the nation's obligations under the Geneva Conventions. The Senate is not alone in its opposition to the proposed bill, as Republicans far and wide have become increasingly vocal against the legislation, drawing the ire of such high-profile party members as former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Sen.


Not all Spartans spend time drinking, partying

What a weekend! Spartans winning the big football game — a spectacular kickoff to a new year. What better way to celebrate victory, talent and hard work, and what better way to show school pride, than to get slobbering drunk and stoned. Yeah, let me tell you.