Saturday, January 11, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Truth, values not open for debate

Fried after a long weekend and even longer week, it was the typical scenario of friends lounging around a living room, exchanging lazy conversation with only half their attention on what was being said and the other half on the TV. Somehow the conversation turned to church, and my friend Jimmy declared, "I don't hate religion.


MSU students' treatment of Illini fans embarrassing

Saturday was an embarrassing day for MSU as a whole. As if the debacle on the football field was not bad enough, what was going on in the student section was just as bad, if not worse. At any point during the game, you could see a couple of Illini fans in the student section, but no one was sitting within six rows of them because MSU students were throwing so much trash at them. While I'm sure these students from Illinois expected a little bit of harassment, what was going on was completely uncalled-for.


Arrests at football game didn't have to be so high

After reading the State News article "Arrests up from 2004 Notre Dame game night," (SN 9/25), I had a revelation that must be too profound for the university officials and local police departments alike. After the 2004 Notre Dame game, rules for tailgating were changed.


Group should try to be constructive, not bigoted

This letter is in regard to the State News article "President responds to 'Immigrant day' event," (SN 9/25). Groups like the Young Americans for Freedom are dangerous because they use bigoted and unsavory methods to get their point across, rather than finding more constructive ways to do the same thing. For YAF to criticize President Lou Anna K.


YAF's hide-and-seek game hurts political debate

I am dismayed to learn the state of political discourse on campus has degraded to the point where a group thinks a preschool game of hide-and-seek can be masqueraded as a method of debate as said in the article "President responds to 'Immigrant day' event," (SN 9/25). Political debate and discourse is a serious activity that cannot be done by playing school-yard games. I would think it would be great for the MSU Young Americans for Freedom to bring speakers to campus and hold open forums on the topic and educate students about the different perspectives people hold on the illegal immigration issue. Instead, YAF wants to play a game of dress-up and hide-and-seek that demeans all MSU students by showing the public that when it comes to serious political discussion, we would rather play childish games. Additionally, I find it ironic the chairman of a group that professes to be for freedom would even attempt to claim a fellow American — in this case, MSU President Lou Anna K.


Low standards won't encourage high school athletes to succeed

The Lansing Board of Education decided in a 5-4 vote on Sept. 21 to keep a 1.67 cumulative grade point average as the standard all student athletes must maintain to participate in school sports, but requiring a 1.67 grade average as the standard isn't going to prepare students for the future. Most universities and colleges will not accept a GPA of 1.67.


War in Iraq not making U.S. any safer

Apparently, the war in Iraq can't do it. Neither can President Bush's war on terror. Five years have passed since New York City's twin towers crumbled and still, the plan to secure our country from terrorists is falling short.


Simon correct to condemn game of 'catch' planned for MSU's campus

Young Americans for Freedom — it's scary how eerily similar this club's name sounds to some of President Bush's catchy make-it-sound-good-and-no-one-will-ask-questions schemes, such as the "Clear Skies Act" of 2005 and the "No Child Left Behind" debacle. In a time when nothing is as it sounds, the state of American politics is becoming increasingly Orwellian. Who wouldn't want to support clear skies?


University's image at stake; Smith's time is up

On a night when the 1966 team was present, the mood was right for a smashmouth football victory. But the only thing shown at Spartan Stadium was that our young kids played too hard for a coach who exemplifies the word coward. Forget the rain excuse.