Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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Simon correct to condemn game of 'catch' planned for MSU's campus

Young Americans for Freedom — it's scary how eerily similar this club's name sounds to some of President Bush's catchy make-it-sound-good-and-no-one-will-ask-questions schemes, such as the "Clear Skies Act" of 2005 and the "No Child Left Behind" debacle. In a time when nothing is as it sounds, the state of American politics is becoming increasingly Orwellian. Who wouldn't want to support clear skies?


University's image at stake; Smith's time is up

On a night when the 1966 team was present, the mood was right for a smashmouth football victory. But the only thing shown at Spartan Stadium was that our young kids played too hard for a coach who exemplifies the word coward. Forget the rain excuse.


Simon looks toward Mich.'s future

MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon is stepping in the ring to fight for Michigan's economy and environment. Last week, Simon spoke at the state's first bio-economy summit about MSU's role in building Michigan's bio-economy. "We do not have either a strong manufacturing economy or a strong agricultural economy — they're not mutually exclusive.


Cartoon wrong; pope's remarks not insensitive

I'm writing in response to Ryan Kimball's depiction of the pope in his cartoon, (SN 9/20). What Kimball fails to realize is that Pope Benedict XVI did not make an insensitive remark at all but simply quoted an emperor from the late 14th century.


Pierce Company didn't misrepresent itself to city

I am writing to correct a number of misrepresentations and inaccuracies in a recent article, "Firm may have misled city about work history," (SN 9/21), regarding our firm, The Pierce Company, the city of East Lansing and the proposed East Village development. We take pride in the culture and values of our company, namely our integrity and forthrightness.


SN article was wrong; city officials not misled

On Thursday, The State News printed an article on the East Village project that stated city officials have been misled regarding the background of The Pierce Company — a developer involved with the redevelopment project in the article "Firm may have misled city about work history," (SN 9/21). The article went on further to suggest The Pierce Company failed to disclose its involvement in eminent domain acquisitions in their San Diego State University redevelopment projects and the potential for doing so with the East Village project.


Letter lacked perspective on permanent residents

The letter that communication major Molly Megargle wrote to The State News, "East Lansing doesn't acknowledge students," (SN 9/15), in which she argued for greater acknowledgment of MSU students in the crafting of the East Lansing housing policy, lacked perspective. First, while Megargle probably will have to endure the real or imagined slights by the city for no more than four or five years, families and professionals will be affected by its policies well after she's moved away.


Chavez's comment about Bush inapt

"The devil came here yesterday," Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Wednesday. "He came here, talking as if he were the owner of the world." That's how Chavez reacted to President Bush and the U.S.


Unsecured border still major problem in U.S.

In the editorial, "Ideas for recruiting are embarrassing," (SN 9/19), the State News editorial board claims the idea of having a "Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day" on campus is "appalling." What I find really appalling, however, is the fact that five years after the Sept.