Mike Rogers should take Government 101 course
Mike Rogers' comment in The State News that Michigan is in a single-state recession is an attempt to blame Gov.
Mike Rogers' comment in The State News that Michigan is in a single-state recession is an attempt to blame Gov.
Earlier this summer we sadly said goodbye to Lansing's premier booking agent Steve Lambert, and now the city to our west is losing another music mainstay.
I am glad I don't have kids. That's not to say I won't have them someday, but today, I am petrified of bringing children into this world. Safety is a thing of the past, replaced with Amber Alerts and school shootings.
Over the past four or five decades, residents of Ada have had much exposure to the Van Andel and DeVos families.
Where are the moral values of Republican Congressman Mike Rogers that we hear so much about? He should be calling for the resignation of Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.
As if American foreign policy weren't insulting and degrading enough for the rest of the world, now the White House has to spread its might into the final frontier. The Bush administration has chosen to claim space for America, insisting no one "hostile to U.S.
On Monday, wire hangers were strung around campus with attached pro-choice slogans like, "What women choose when they have no choice." This effective form of protesting comes during Young Women's Week of Action for U.S.
Energy prices impact our life every day: Driving to work, picking up the kids from school or running a business.
The third gubernatorial debate between Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Republican candidate Dick DeVos brought the beef to the table, but little else. After criticizing DeVos for using the images of dead children in his campaign-attack commercials, Granholm told the Amway Corp.
The article in The State News Housing Guide, "Living with all your best friends in fraternity made it homey" (SN 10/17), puts a very poor light on MSU's fraternities.
While I appreciate the fact that Brendan Bouffard drew attention to the exponentially increasing amounts of food additives in his column, "Tasty food additives actually harmful, toxic chemicals," (SN 10/16), I wonder how much research Bouffard actually put into his column before sending it to the press as a scare tactic filled with unrecognizable terms for product ingredients. In his list of supposedly toxic and harmful ingredients from a can of Diet Coke, he mentions riboflavin and thiamine mononitrate, which may sound scientific and scary, but are actually chemical names for the dietary essential vitamins B2 and B1, respectively. He does make a good point about the possible effects of the artificial sweetener aspartame; however, he fails to note that headaches and other adverse effects from consuming aspartame do not occur for everyone.
After watching all three gubernatorial debates, I am convinced Dick DeVos would be a disastrous choice for the future of our state.
The student's letter, "Re-elect Rogers: He votes to protect U.S.
Guantanamo Bay just got a whole lot more controversial. Signed into existence Tuesday, a new bill called the Military Commissions Act of 2006 would allow the government to hold suspected terrorists without the rights of habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is the right to petition the government for unlawful imprisonment leaving detainees in places, such as Gitmo, in a legal black hole.
We've all heard the horror stories of voting irregularities in past elections hours waiting in lines, dead people casting votes and thousands of votes ignored.
Vote yes for the Potter Park Zoo millage. As an employee of the Potter Park Zoo, I cannot stress enough how much the millage would mean to the zoo. The zoo provides medical and daily care to more than 400 animals, many that are endangered.
During the past few years, Spartans fans have endured countless heartbreaking losses to bitter rivals and watched helplessly as team intensity slowly slipped away. Regardless of who is at fault for the shortcomings of our team, dedicated fans are on the brink of extinction, and morale is at an all-time low.
As we sink further and further into an increasingly unwinnable war in Iraq, a more tangible threat looms on the horizon. North Korea is developing nuclear weapons. Naturally, the reaction in the United States has been one of surprise, confusion and abject fear.
MSU is a good school, regardless of athletics, but what makes a school like MSU special is that it can have both first-rate academic programs and top-flight athletic teams. For those of you who say MSU football is not an important issue, you are obviously missing something.
As a student and future American worker, I am terrified of my prospects after I graduate. Trade agreements like the Central American Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA, are shipping more jobs south of the border. I drive around Lansing and look at the abandoned manufacturing plants here, and I just can't stop thinking of the families who relied on these jobs to send their kids young people like me to school because they were paid a living wage.