Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Google's monopoly on Internet convenience making life easier

On special occasions, you can log onto and find the Web site's banner with an array of festive decorations, depending on the holiday or commemorative date. Instead, Google's webmasters should rethink this scheme and portray their Web site in a more accurate light — the two Os should be eyes. Google has become the Big Brother of the world — and you don't hear me complaining.


Change in Bush's rhetoric means little

In another effort to save the sinking ship that is the GOP, President Bush spent Wednesday giving a speech and a press conference about the Iraq war — making a startling claim that what has happened in Iraq "rests with me." He's not exactly taking responsibility, but with only a week and a half left before midterm elections, that's probably all the "responsibility" the president is going to give us. The purpose of the press conference-slash-save-the-GOP gaggle was for the president to discuss Iraq, though almost everything he says about the conflict is contrary to what reports coming out of the country say.


City Center II will improve downtown

If all goes according to plan, the big, ugly, empty ex-bank building on the corner of Abbott Road and Grand River Avenue will soon be history. In its place, the City Center II project may be installed.


Article neglects adoption as alternative to abortion

There are many viewpoints other than pro-life or pro-choice in regard to abortion. The State News fails to realize this and never discusses it, as Tara Thoel's "Students discuss opposing abortion views" (SN 10/19) demonstrates. In her article, Thoel discusses how both pro-life and pro-choice organizations held events during Young Women's Week of Action for U.S.


Bush's power shouldn't go unchecked

President Bush's newest vocabulary words are habeas corpus. He probably can't pronounce it, he definitely can't spell it and he might not even know what it means, but one thing is clear — he's gotten rid of it. Last week Bush signed what resembles an unconstitutional bill "in memory of the victims of September the 11th." The bill creates new rules for prosecuting and interrogating terrorism suspects, and he tagged it as "a way to deliver justice to the terrorists we have captured." As if using the victims of the Sept.


State's economic woes make DeVos best pick

In the race for governor, once all the spin, attacks and counterattacks are cut through, there is one inescapable reality: Michigan's economy is in serious trouble. We are consistently ranked last in the nation in unemployment.