Saturday, January 11, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Dems must not waste opportunity for change

A funny thing happened Nov. 7 — the Democrats won. Sure, pundits from coast to coast were predicting a strong Democratic win in the congressional elections, but those predictions usually were peppered with guarded optimism over the outcome.


Editorial wrong, global warming not scientific fact

I'd like to address a statement made in the "Reduce effects of global warming now" editorial (SN 11/1). The statement in the third column of the editorial said, "Global warming is scientific fact and needs to be addressed immediately." This statement is false and almost blatantly so.


Making cheese in clean environment not 'dirty'

I am writing to contradict your claim that working in cheese production at the MSU Dairy Plant is a "dirty job" ("Dirty Jobs," SN 11/7). I begin by questioning the reasoning behind including a sterile food production plant alongside other work places that include "pooper-scoopers." The MSU Dairy Plant meticulously complies with all health department standards, making it a clean work environment. Secondly, I would like to correct erroneous claims made by your reporters.


Voting bugs should still be addressed

It's election time and you know what that means. No, not a sterling representation of democracy in action by which we lead the world by example, but rather the same bumbling failure and incompetence that has plagued elections since 2000.


Byl misrepresents belief, doesn't justify stance

I am writing in response to Andrea Byl's column, "Christianity, belief in God based on rational thinking, evidence" (SN 10/31). While I may not necessarily agree with her view of the universe, I certainly respect her viewpoint and encourage her exploration for the truth.


SN should also cover third party candidates

I read your cover story for last weekend's edition ("People behind the podium" SN 11/3). I was under the impression there were more than two political parties in the United States. I could have sworn several more parties ran for office in Michigan other than the Republicans and Democrats.


Saddam trial verdict no surprise

"Long live the people! Long live the nation! Down with the occupiers! Down with the spies!" This doesn't exactly scream, "I just got sentenced to death," but those are the exclamations Saddam Hussein shouted after he received his court punishment — death by hanging. After 24 years in power and almost three years after his capture, the Iraqi court has finally found Saddam guilty of crimes against humanity.


SN editorial regarding ASMSU bill inaccurate

This is in response to the grossly inaccurate editorial published in regard to the proposal being discussed by ASMSU in, "ASMSU bill won't halt cheating" (SN 10/25). First, nowhere has this appeared in bill form yet — not in the University Committee on Academic Policy, not in ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government, and nowhere will it appear in bill form for at least another two weeks.


Make a difference: Vote - or shut up

Go vote. This year's midterm elections are important. Not only is it possible for the Senate to tip Democratic, but also according to The Center for Information and Research on Civil Learning and Engagement, this year's midterm elections follow a presidential election in which the highest amount of students and young adults turned out to vote in more than a decade. It's the perfect time for students to prove everyone wrong and show up to voice their opinions during this heated midterm political season. In Michigan, the youth voter turnout — people ages 18 to 29 — ranked 12th overall across the country for the 2004 presidential election.


Letter wrong; point scale illegal in affirmative action

This letter is in response to Amy Boersma's letter, "Reconsider voting against MCRI, will end racist policy" (SN 11/1). First off, I would like to address the statement that Asian Americans "lose points on the affirmative action scale." This is not true seeing as it is now illegal to use a point scale for affirmative action, and that argument is not valid when trying to argue in favor of the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI.


Vote Granholm

Correction: The editorial should have said state representative candidate John Knowles is voting yes on Proposal 2. Governor: Jennifer Granholm Jennifer Granholm is the obvious choice for Michigan governor.


SN mentor article was badly reported, sourced

Congratulations to staff writers Alex Altman and Ashley A. Smith for their brilliant article depicting a freshman's version of what recently took place in Wonders Hall, entitled "Student: 6 mentors terminated for drinking" (SN 11/1). Altman and Smith are well on their way to becoming excellent writers … unfortunately, I don't keep up with US Weekly or The National Enquirer.