Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Dems should try not to split week after win

Not a week after sweeping both the U.S. House and Senate, the Democratic Party starts to crack — and not based on Iraq policy or President Bush's tax cuts, but on the election of the majority leader of the House. This wouldn't be so bad for the Democrats if it were the first time they've splintered, but the party has a history of in-fighting.


House wants college more affordable, finally

Student loans are the perpetual thorn in the sides of most college students in the nation. Facing the exponential increase in tuition that most colleges have instituted throughout the years — costs have risen by double digits in the past decade and show no signs of slowing — students have increasingly turned to student loans. However, federal aid for students has not kept up with the ever-climbing tuition rates, causing massive student debt.


Letter writer wrong; global warming is fact

This is a response to Dan Herman's letter to the editor, "Editorial wrong, global warming not scientific fact" (SN 11/10), in which he not only propagates a common misuse of scientific terminology, but also is incorrect in his assertions regarding global warming. First, Herman's word usage is completely erred.


Prop. 2's failure shows North not progressive

Just before I start, I did vote: Jennifer Granholm, Debbie Stabenow, Libertarian Party, Green Party, no on Proposal 2, yes on Proposal 5, etc. Anyway, after the final results were in, all I can say is "Wow!" Michigan residents actually care more about the hunting of doves than equal opportunity and ensuring all schools have an equal base and minimum of funding. I mean, personally being from South Carolina, I can understand how this could happen down there, but here among "the great North," it's baffling.


Midterm elections results call for Republicans to rethink platform

Last week, people voted in record numbers to show their discontent with the Republican Party. In what President Bush called "a thumping," the Democrats took control of not only the House, but also the Senate. Critics argued most people didn't vote for the Democrats because they agreed with them, but simply because they disagreed with the Republicans and the war in Iraq.


More info on MCRI's impact required

Students are finally collectively angry enough to band together and fight a worthy cause. The banning of affirmative action — thanks to the passing of Proposal 2, the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI — brought more than 125 upset students to Friday's MSU Board of Trustees meeting. Although some students were a bit immature — not waiting for their turn to speak and not allowing trustees the opportunity to give answers to their questions — students' anger and frustration is completely warranted. Students want a response to the passing of the MCRI from the trustees and from MSU President Lou Anna K.


Prop. 2's passing hurts MSU's diversity

The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI, has nothing to do with civil rights. With a misleading name and a suspected illegal ballot placement, the proposal, which sadly passed in Michigan last week, bans affirmative action in certain cases.


Get ready for Clinton, McCain in '08

"She can really hold her liquor," Republican Sen. John McCain said of Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton. The quote is found deep in a 14-page article of November's The Atlantic magazine.