Thursday, March 6, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Ancient, current thinkers reject God's existence

All right, I'll admit it — I enjoyed John Bice's column, "Rising numbers of nonbelievers increase popularity of atheism" (SN 1/16). After spending so much time on a campus — where I encounter sidewalk chalk ads for Christian groups, flyers for Bible study and the occasional religious zealot outside Wells Hall — it is always a relief to know I am not the only person who questions the ideas of God and organized religion. In the letter "Column shows ignorance in logic-based argument" (SN 1/19), I expected a well thought-out counterpoint to Bice's article, but instead, found blind faith running amok.


Proposed campus upgrades warranted

University officials recently announced the next two stops on MSU's 2020 Vision Campus Master Plan: Breslin Center and IM Sports-West. The year will be full of improvement for both establishments, which each have unique needs and users. At Breslin Center, the men's and women's locker rooms will be adjusted to better accommodate players — well, at least MSU's players.


Online libraries beneficial for public

Recently, the University of Texas at Austin became the latest participant in the Google Books Library Project, a program aimed at digitizing books from the libraries of universities nationwide. Thus far, in addition to University of Texas at Austin, University of Michigan, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford universities and the New York Public Library have participated in the project.


Misguided letter attacks columnist erroneously

Rachel Wilkerson's letter, "Style icons prevalent in American culture today" (SN 1/19), unwittingly embodies the very lack of class and style Beth Swanson bemoans in her article "Columnist seeks 'Old Hollywood' style in Golden Globes' attendees" (SN 1/17). The old-world style and pedigree Audrey Hepburn epitomized transcends mere apparel.


Unlikely threat from China may not be improbable, far-fetched

Amid the endless reports of global acts of terrorism from disparate groups and various countries making idle threats recently, I found myself pining for the Cold War. Ah, those halcyon days when people always knew where the threat of imminent destruction was coming from: The giant, seemingly monolithic country just across the ocean that people were almost wholly ignorant about, other than the fact they knew it was "bad." At least you knew who your enemy was.


Writer does not persuade readers with mockery

Brand new year, same old John Bice. In his taxingly redundant column, "Rising numbers of nonbelievers increase popularity of atheism" (SN 1/16), Bice continues his tirade against the illogical evils of organized religion — in particular, traditional Christianity — in a vain, attempt to get readers to buy into his rhetoric.


Obama is the best candidate for national leadership

America has been given a new chance for hope. With the recent announcement that Senator Barack Obama has formed an exploratory committee for the 2008 presidential election, we now are faced with the reality that today's obstacles do not have to continue tomorrow.