Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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We are too dependent on government to help poor

Ryan Dinkgrave's column "Cuts to food-aid programs hurt citizens more than help economy" (SN 2/21), was a well-intentioned plea, but one I must take issue with. For many years now, our Congress has eschewed the founding principles of our nation and its Constitution to do whatever it pleased.


Majority chose new direction in election

Mr. Gary Glenn and his "American Family Association" recently remarked in "Gay marriage opposed by majority of citizens" (SN 2/21), that recent anti-gay marriage constitutional amendments were examples of "common-sense" policy as evidenced by their support of the majority of voters.


ASMSU meeting should not continue for 9 hours

I'm shocked that ASMSU now takes as long as nine hours to hold a meeting as Mr. Joey Nowak reports in "ASMSU misplaces meeting records" (SN 2/23). What could this group of left-wing kookichoos possibly discuss for nine hours! It has been a while since I've stepped foot on campus, so perhaps I am just getting too old.


Iraq under anarchy

So Tony Blair, British prime minister and erstwhile Bush administration hand puppet, has decided to put the finishing touches on a plan to pull his troops out of Iraq. For anyone following Britain's curious involvement in the war — 40,000 troops for the invasion, scaled back to 9,000 two years later and 7,100 a scant year after that — the move hardly comes as a surprise.


Minority civil rights not upheld by state

Gary Glenn's recent letter, "Gay marriage opposed by majority of citizens" (SN 2/21), is based on a dangerous presumption that the majority is always right. Time and again throughout history, the majority of society has advocated what we know today to be clearly wrong.


Budget delayed for fledgling program

MSU and the University of California at Santa Barbara are the only two universities in the nation to offer graduate-level classes in Chicano and Latino studies. Although this is one of the rarest programs in the country, the university has been slow to set a budget for the study program, run by Dionicio Valdés. On account of waiting on the budget, Valdés doesn't have the necessary resources to properly gauge next year's program.


Same-sex marriage ban is not 'common sense'

This is in response to Gary Glenn's letter, "Gay marriage opposed by majority of citizens" (SN 2/21). What, exactly, did the Michigan Marriage "Protection" Amendment have to offer that was either "reasonable" or "common-sense?" Is it reasonable that same-sex couples do not have access to the more than 1,100 federal benefits and protections that a marriage would afford?


N.J. civil unions do not offer equality

As of Monday, New Jersey became the third state to offer civil unions to same-sex couples, after a state Supreme Court ruling. While this is a step in the right direction, it also sets a dangerous precedent for future decisions. If gay couples are granted civil unions, it's possible they may never get to experience full-blown marital rights.


Constitution safeguards intellectual property

I have read a column, "Intellectual property law should not be applied to music, movies" (SN 2/20), and letter to the editor, "Intellectual property law necessary to make living" (2/22), during the past couple of days in reference to intellectual property rights.


E.L. should re-evaluate underage drinking laws

The minor in possession, or MIP, epidemic in East Lansing is spiraling out of control, and John Hudson's column "Law enforcement policies about underage drinking too stringent" (SN 2/16), is a step in the right direction. Like hundreds around campus, I've had plenty of personal experience. Halloween weekend, after a typical Gunson Street party, I called my sober roommate to give me a ride home.


Britain announces troop withdrawal

Shortly after President Bush announced an increase of troops in Iraq, British Prime Minister Tony Blair made an equally surprising statement. On Wednesday he announced he is going to start pulling troops out. And he's not alone. The "Coalition of the Willing" that the United States put together in 2003 is slowly beginning to fall apart.


Intellectual property law necessary to make living

In response to "Intellectual property law should not be applied to music, movies" (SN 2/20): What other ways does Chris Cuyar suggest to protect ideas, and how can he possibly dismiss innovation as something people would do for personal use anyway?


Bush's errors as president call for impeachment proceedings

It seems like a lifetime ago that George W. Bush was installed as president by a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling, but only a little more than six short years have passed since that fateful decision. In just six years, Bush turned a record budget surplus into a record deficit. He took our national reputation from an unprecedented high after the Sept.