Contributions of hoops seniors were meaningful
Tom Keller ended his article "Izzo: 'We gave them a hell of a game'" (SN 3/19), about MSU's loss to North Carolina with a quote from Coach Izzo that said, "Anybody that was a Spartan tonight should have been proud of our effort." I have to question whether Keller is a proud Spartan, though, when just a few lines above he wrote that the team "will return every meaningful contributor next season." While Jake Hannon, Bryan Tibaldi, Brandon Darnton and DeMarcus Ducre (as well as Deon Curry, but he's not a senior and could return) didn't have gaudy statistics or play extended minutes, to suggest that they were not important parts of this team is flat-out wrong. What member of the Izzone doesn't remember the first time Darnton saw the floor?