Saturday, January 11, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Contributions of hoops seniors were meaningful

Tom Keller ended his article "Izzo: 'We gave them a hell of a game'" (SN 3/19), about MSU's loss to North Carolina with a quote from Coach Izzo that said, "Anybody that was a Spartan tonight should have been proud of our effort." I have to question whether Keller is a proud Spartan, though, when just a few lines above he wrote that the team "will return every meaningful contributor next season." While Jake Hannon, Bryan Tibaldi, Brandon Darnton and DeMarcus Ducre (as well as Deon Curry, but he's not a senior and could return) didn't have gaudy statistics or play extended minutes, to suggest that they were not important parts of this team is flat-out wrong. What member of the Izzone doesn't remember the first time Darnton saw the floor?


Separate consideration appropriate

As Michigan continues to struggle with a combined $3 billion budget deficit, a squabble has broken out between lawmakers and universities about funding. As it stands, Michigan's "Big Three" universities — University of Michigan, Wayne State University and MSU — receive 57 percent of state funding, with the remaining 43 percent to be divided among the 12 remaining schools. And while those numbers will remain constant, Gov.


A liberal underdog

For an election that hasn't even hit the primaries, the 2008 run for the White House has been quite a show. The undisputed stars of that show, getting more press and sparking more speculation than all other candidates combined, are Sens.


Group not beneficial for MSU students, vote no

Although it came a year later, I applauded the decision by ASMSU to disband Great Issues. I like to think my four years at MSU has taught me how to successfully conduct research, but no matter how hard I search The State News or the ASMSU Web site, I still have no clue what Great Issues' purpose was or why it was ever created. The only speaker I ever heard of who was sponsored by Great Issues was Joe Carr.


Adoption dialogue

Justus is an 8-year-old boy from Florida, with bushy hair and a crooked smile. His bio says he enjoys writing and animals, and in his free time, he likes to go to the movies. Fedeline, 8, and her sister Kettelove, 5, patiently glare upward in a picture.


Mich. job market forces graduates to relocate

As a senior about to graduate and be in the job market, I am acutely aware of the severe economic crisis the state of Michigan is currently facing. Recently, we all have heard the news that Comerica is moving its corporate headquarters from Detroit to Texas, most of the Jackson prison complex will be closed and unemployment has increased again.


Distorted damages

Global warming is a reality, and there is nothing Philip Cooney or the rest of the blundering executive branch can do to keep it quiet any longer. It turns out that Cooney, the former chief of staff of the Council on Environmental Quality and a one-time oil industry lobbyist, got a little too red-pen happy with some of the federal government's official documents about climate change, including 294 separate edits to one governmental strategic climate change plan. And as Rep.


MSU administration must investigate campus group

It is time for MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon and the administration to take immediate action. When a student organization has been constantly labeled as highly controversial and intolerant, it raises eyebrows and can bring question to the university.


Media strategy by YAF leader is hypocritical

In "YAF not hate group, law center should be accused" (SN 3/16), Anthony Mantova expresses his disdain at the Southern Poverty Law Center for putting the MSU chapter of Young Americans for Freedom on a list of hate groups.