Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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OU best choice for satellite campus

MSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine is looking to establish a satellite campus at one of four locations in Southeast Michigan. Of those in the running, only one really seems suitable to support our prestigious medical school — Oakland University. While the other candidates — Macomb Community College, St.


Constitutional clash

The discussions surrounding the Joe Carr event have been misinformed and sensationalized to such an extent that Great Issues feels obligated to use this space to respond. Fact: Great Issues co-sponsored an event last year with the Peace Education Center of Lansing, the Michigan Peace Team and the Greater Lansing Network Against War and Injustice.


Prescription drug abuse story sheds light on issue

I am writing in response to the article "Pills popped" (SN 3/27). I am glad The State News finally recognized an issue that affects every MSU student — all-nighters and students taking medication from students who have prescriptions. I know of girls who constantly take Adderall to stay skinny and lose weight, and I know of other students who drop hundreds of dollars every month on Adderall, Ritalin and Concerta. People like this ruin it for real ADHD sufferers.


YAF used to be 'joke,' has grown into hate group

I find it pretty amazing the ruckus that has developed regarding the Young Americans for "Fascism" being labeled a hate group, both because I find it completely unsurprising and because it has taken the campus community and The State News so long to figure this out. Of course MSU's YAF chapter is a hate group!


University e-mail storage space should increase

I am a third-year student at MSU. Yesterday was the third time I had to empty all the e-mails I have sent in my MSU e-mail because of its limited storage. Instructors and university officials choose to use MSU e-mail to contact students.


State funding delays are dangerous

More than a month after Gov. Jennifer Granholm's pledge to invest in higher education, a delay of $73 million in funding is looming in the distance. The state faces a $344 million cut if Granholm's executive order to reduce Michigan's combined $3 billion deficit is approved by the state House Appropriations Committee. If passed, Granholm has proposed to postpone higher education payments — totaling $73 million for Michigan schools — until the next fiscal year, which starts Oct.


Protesters are against Iraq war, not U.S. troops

I found that veteran Matt Patton's letter, "Protests are not only way to voice opinions" (SN 3/22), implied frankly that the methods of the anti-war protest March 20 on Grand River Avenue were not only incoherent, but also disrespectful to the troops.


Second time around

From both sides of the political aisle, and from all across the country, people are speaking out with urgency in support of embryonic stem cell research. Last week, the National Institutes of Health's director, Elias Zerhouni, testified before a Senate appropriations subcommittee, where he was asked if scientists would have a greater opportunity to develop new treatments and cure chronic diseases if President Bush's harsh funding restrictions were lifted.


Former letter partially misrepresented leader

I wish to retract and clarify part of my letter, "Letter writer's history harms black community" (SN 3/16), in which I accidentally stated that Gary Glenn, president of the Michigan American Family Association, or AFA, referred to an American Indian official's religion as "animism." The conservative Web site Americans for Truth ran an excerpt from Peter R.


Sending a message

On an otherwise beautiful afternoon one fateful spring day, thousands of students went about their day-to-day tasks, whether it was listening to a lecture on molecular biology or spending a day in a warm bed. Some students made a personal choice to publicly protest an immoral war, a wrong to be redressed — a right guaranteed to them by the First Amendment to the U.S.