Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Graduation speaker not recognizable

To conclude their undergraduate career, students now know who will speak at their commencement ceremony on May 4 — Jaime Escalante. Escalante, a high school math teacher whose story became famous after the 1988 film "Stand and Deliver," was chosen as the speaker. He became nationally renowned after his students at Garfield High School, an inner-city school in eastern Los Angeles, ranked at the top of national calculus testing.


Meatless alternative

Do you know what you're eating? Imagine living a life in which you are constantly pumped full of drugs and in total darkness and isolation from the outside world.


Police unfairly broke up weekly hip-hop event

Every week, I look forward to Scratch Club on Friday nights at Code of the Cutz on M.A.C. Avenue. Within the small walls of the record store, disc jockeys, emcees and break-dancers come together to create an impromptu potpourri of freestyle rapping, record scratching and dancing from 8-11 p.m.


Red-light Web sites

America has always had a problem with porn. Some people chalk it up to the fact that our country was settled by the repressed, puritanical dregs of English society.


Reorganization needs student voice

On a college campus, student voice is essential. Be they vital academic decisions or merely trivial ones, students must be represented in all of them. Which is why one of the proposed changes to Academic Governance — namely the ratio of students to faculty on a council — is important to watch. Under the proposed changes brought about by the university's Task Forces, is the creation of a Faculty Congress, a faculty governance body that would be chaired by a faculty member, rather than Faculty Council's leadership under MSU President Lou Anna K.


MSU e-mail system is poor, messages delayed

I am a student at MSU, and I am writing to bring attention to the atrocious condition of the MSU e-mail system. The MSU e-mail system is the default e-mail for all MSU students and is notoriously slow and unreliable.


Untrue facts about adult stem cells are spreading

In Jessica Maschinski's letter "Argument against adult stem cells is fraudulent" (SN 3/29), she charges that Ryan Dinkgrave lies in his column "Second time around" (SN 3/28), when he says that embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have more potential than adult stem cells (ASCs). Can she even reason that if this were a lie, and ASCs were better than ESCs, scientists would not be clamoring for more ESC cell lines?


Dorm mentors should receive more recognition

I am a mentor in one of the residence halls here at MSU. I am writing today because I feel that mentors deserve more respect and appreciation from students living in the residence halls. Being a mentor can be a difficult and sometimes very stressful job.