Getting thick skin
Ann Coulter couldn't have caused more of a stir if she had showed up to the Conservative Political Action Conference on March 2 buck-naked.
Ann Coulter couldn't have caused more of a stir if she had showed up to the Conservative Political Action Conference on March 2 buck-naked.
I'm going to assume most of you have already heard of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, considering it has seemed a constant news topic since its foundation.
Drew Winter's "Meatless alternative" (SN 4/4), column flat-out contains virtually no facts and even less humor.
The speed limit on West Grand River Avenue west of Hillcrest Avenue and east of Audubon Road is currently 25 mph.
Thanks to Kate Lester for her great column "Anonymous voices" (SN 4/5), about abortion choice.
Why did everyone keep saying the Frozen Four for MSU was improbable or unexpected? If you were true MSU hockey fans, you would know the team was ranked No.
Ordinarily, I try to stay above the fray when it comes to religion. For starters, the topic is an absolute minefield.
I am writing because I want the people of Michigan to get educated about the health disparities that migrant farmworkers are facing in 2007.
We did it. The Spartan hockey team, overcoming everything from rampant illness, losing captain Drew Miller to the NHL and a myriad of other setbacks, bested Boston College in the 2007 NCAA national championship game. Much like they had been during the season, in the beginning of the game, the Spartans were the underdogs.
John Paul II has been in the express lane to canonization since two months after his death in 2005. At that time, Pope Benedict XVI announced he was waiving the customary five-year waiting period to begin the process. Monday, the second anniversary of John Paul's death, the findings of diocesan investigations were passed on to the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
Wednesday's editorial "Graduation speaker not recognizable" (SN 4/4), concludes that Jaime Escalante is a poor choice for graduation speaker because he is "not recognizable." However, the author fails to acknowledge the other commencement speaker guidelines included in the article: Unlike Clinton and the other politicians who will be speaking around the country this spring, Escalante will not be speaking for his own personal gain; his message will genuinely be for the graduates it will be appropriate. Escalante's inspirational success in the classroom stemmed from setting high standards for all students who can be more motivational to students graduating than someone who made a living pushing students to work harder and to achieve more than they had ever conceived?
For years, the university's e-mail system has been something of a joke among the student population.
I must agree with Ian Louisell's letter "Police unfairly broke up weekly hip-hop event" (SN 4/3), regarding the noise violation at Code of the Cutz on M.A.C.
The "Meatless Alternative" (SN 4/4), by Drew Winter is about what I expect out of most vegan conservationists; a cliché comment bashing President Bush to get "The Daily Show with John Stewart" and "The Colbert Report" crowd on board, then a pointless tirade on how animals deserve rights in our society. While most of his switching to vegan argument was harmless, there was one phrase, "with no regard for their well-being as self-aware individuals" that left me chuckling.
I am a student at MSU and have recently become frustrated with people who simply cannot see a person with an assistance dog and leave them be.
I went to California a few years ago to visit a college. While I was there, I was fortunate enough to attend a meeting where a panel of women discussed the reasons they had abortions and the difficulty of making such a decision.
After reading Colleen Maxwell's article "Finding Home" (SN 4/2), I had to take a moment and absorb what I had just read because, quite frankly, I was shocked.
In response to the complaints about the MSU e-mail system: While yes, I do agree the system needs a lot of attention, there is something you can do to avoid the problem.
Every time I turn the corner, more and more Conservatives are standing on their soapboxes saying the government shouldn't endorse or encourage homosexual behavior.
A bipartisan bill designed to halt imports of Canadian trash into Michigan is awaiting approval by the U.S.