Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Protesters at Simcox event hypocrites

The group of protesters at The Minuteman Project speech April 19 amazes me, along with its response to what police did. First, the protesters who tried to shut down Chris Simcox's speech are hypocrites.


Generation united

As a youngster, I followed politics and news more than most my age. My first Breaking News Alert was a yellow sticky note my mom placed on my bathroom sink when the '92 election results came in. But as we witnessed last week, there are some events that touch us all.


Campus environment is filled with hate

Sometimes this country really leaves me deflated. Earlier this month, Chris Matus pointed out the beauty of free speech in "It goes both ways" (SN 4/10), but based upon the arrests April 19, it seems that fascism is a one-way street.


Student body must end words of hate

We need to stop saying hateful things to each other. I am writing in response to Thea Neal and Tara Thoel's article "Students protest with silence" (SN 4/19), on The Day of Silence.


Driving at posted speeds would reduce tailgating

I am responding to a couple of letters concerning the speed limit on Grand River Avenue, "Speed limit ill-suited to West Grand River Avenue" (SN 4/10), and "Raising speed on avenue will not curb problem" (SN 4/17), which complain for and against raising the speed limit on Grand River Avenue.


Fighting to catch up

Washington — The rites of spring bring warmer weather, baseball and the time when women's annual earnings finally catch up to what men earned last year. Because full-time working women still earn only 77 cents for every dollar men earn, it takes them nearly 16 months to earn what men make in a year for doing the same work. For minority women, the wage gap is even larger, so black women don't catch up to white men until late May, and Hispanic women don't catch up until mid-September. Equal Pay Day is observed today.


Exasperated outrage

Years ago, when I was too young to appreciate it, I saw Sidney Lumet's 1976 classic "Network," and it had an impact on me. I saw Howard Beale, the rumpled, disaffected, disgruntled network news anchor, as a hero — someone who had finally sifted through enough of the world's crap and was tired of pretending everything was all right. He was "mad as hell" and he wasn't going to take it anymore.


Protest victimized Minuteman leader

It's all just a little bit of history repeating. In an event that somewhat mirrored the Dec. 1, 2006, Tom Tancredo debacle, protesters crashed a presentation put on by Chris Simcox, co-founder and president of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps at Conrad Hall on Thursday. Much like Tancredo, Simcox was there to speak out against illegal immigration.


Rising costs make college exclusive

As post-collegiate debt skyrockets, book prices rise exponentially and tuition rates grow with unchecked abandon, the makeup of those attending college is changing. They are getting richer. According to UCLA's Higher Education Research Institute, today's college freshmen are wealthier than they've been in the past 35 years.


Education makeover

How many of your professors know your name? It's a simple question that, for most students, elicits a number much smaller than the number of classes on their schedule.