Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Articles require more input from professionals

I'd like to advocate for The State News hiring some sort of science advisor to work with you on your scientific articles. Perhaps it is because I am a physics major and am more familiar with the topics discussed in articles about the Cyclotron, but it always seems to me that those articles are the largest festering grounds for inaccuracy - not only in content, but also in language. For example, in your latest article "Researchers design improved Cyclotron magnet prototype" (SN 5/18), it is stated that, "A cyclotron is a device that spins around faster than half the speed of light." I would be horrified to go near the Cyclotron building if that were the case, because the equipment would fly apart and kill people.


Distasteful pranks

Imagine this: It's just another day at work or school, and suddenly someone rushes in and tells you there is a shooter nearby.


Public figure's death will have impact

The Rev. Jerry Falwell died from cardiac arrest Tuesday. With his death comes praise and condemnation. Falwell is best known as the figurehead of the religious right and is considered by many to be the father of the modern religious political movement.


Commuting wisely

HG Wells once said, "Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of mankind." I find that I can relate to Wells' statement now more than ever.


Third parties needed

In recent years, third-party presidential candidates have received an undeserved bad rap in the United States of America.


Gun control not primary issue in Virginia shooting

In the letter "Ownership of powerful weapons unnecessary" (SN 5/14), Joe Bialek stated, "If we had prohibited the purchase of more sophisticated weapons, several innocent victims would not have died at the hands of Seung-Hui Cho." What is so sophisticated about a 9mm and .22-caliber semi-automatic pistol?


No longer in limbo

The contest for the world's most outrageously inane religion is quite competitive. The relative newcomer, Scientology, is a persistent front-runner, but recent events demonstrate that the Roman Catholic Church isn't settling for second place. In abandoning the concept of limbo last month, the pope reversed centuries of Roman Catholic teaching, rejected a belief held since medieval times and demonstrated the absurdly irrational nature of religious debate. Familiarity with essential points of Christian faith is required to understand the "infallible" Catholic Church's long struggle with the concept of limbo. I discovered a remarkably concise definition of Christianity online and slightly modified it.


New facility could benefit university

Recently, Pfizer Inc. officials announced it would like to donate one of its closed facilities to MSU for research use. This facility has been in the process of closing since March 2005, and a few employees are still there decommissioning it.


Cooperation needed to help economy

Reviewing the economic situation in Michigan, state residents may find themselves with one primary inquiry: How did it come to be this bad? Sure, in the past we had the boom of the auto industry on our side.


Movies with meaning

With all the buzz surrounding the blockbuster hit "Spider-man 3," many people could easily be misled into viewing it as another nerdy fantasy about some weakling wearing overly-tight pants.