Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Lessons from art

What's wrong with labeling a portrayal of an African Ubangi leader a "witch doctor of the Ubangi savages," as he gestures at a person prostrate on the ground below him? Or what about the label, "Old Squaw snake medical discovery" next to the image of a young American Indian woman, as she puts a snake to her mouth while others wrap around her arms? Do these words and what they suggest even see the light of day anymore? Both of these individuals are portrayed in Kresge Art Museum's "Circus: The Art of the 'Strange and the Curious'" exhibit currently on campus until July 27. Included are 12 wall-sized, painted canvas banners from old circus sideshows that sought to lure paying customers inside to gape at the "strange and curious." And there it all begins - the step back into the 20th century via these banners that date from the early 1900s up until the 1970s.


Tuition raise necessary to keep quality faculty

Your editorial "Higher tuition drives students away" (SN 7/10) complains, "the state and the university are in the habit of gouging students." News bulletin to The State News: the "gouging" largely constitutes an effort to keep paying the faculty salaries which largely make MSU's high-quality education possible.


Higher tuition drives students away

It comes every year - a tuition hike making students cringe. For many, what follows is a frantic scrambling to come up with funds to pay the bill. Students should be prepared for this to happen again this year. The university is facing at least a 6 percent increase in tuition this fall.


Environmental standards in mind for East Village

I saw Ken Cavagnolo's letter "East Village should set standard for innovation" (SN 7/6), and was disappointed that he shared misinformation about the East Village project and The Pierce Company with State News readers. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards/certification and sustainability in conjunction with the East Village project have been discussed since last fall.


A second cold war

A long time ago, in a political arena far, far away, George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin came together as close allies to discuss the dangers of the global war on terror.


Beauty revolution

The objectification of women is alive and strong in the U.S. but it's not by men. No, we're doing it to ourselves. Artists throughout history leave a pretty accurate visual account of a culture's ideals of beauty.


Public smoking shows lack of regard for others

I understand the view put forward by Amy Boersma in "Smoke-free legislation would infringe on rights" (SN 6/25), but let me pose a question to people who agree with her: If watching someone eat a Twinkie directly affected your overall health and weight as a person, would you ask for a ban on Twinkies?


East Village should set standard for innovation

Redevelopment of the East Village has moved swiftly, efficiently and with little foresight. The city of East Lansing has once again misused an opportunity to be not just a "cool" city, but an innovative and effective living environment.


Boarding around

It's high time skateboarders are allowed to do their thing everywhere around East Lansing. Skateboarding is not allowed in any parking lot or structure in East Lansing or on the city block on Grand River Avenue between Charles Street and M.A.C.


Living with a loss

My husband was certain that he was going to die in Iraq. Sgt. 1st Class David J. Salie had been an American soldier for almost 17 years.