Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Party affiliation does not define person entirely

In response to the column ‘Leaning to the right’ (SN 8/9), Orlando makes a good point about society’s reaction to someone, especially a college student, who takes on the title of conservative. “College Republican” can almost seem like an oxymoron.


Debate problems

As the presidential campaign season continues its anxious drive toward November 2008, I cannot help but think of some of the broken components of the system by which we elect presidents in the United States.


FOIA policies must be updated

Technology has changed the landscape in and out of government. The backlog of FOIA requests is huge – The Seattle Times has a pending request with the Department of Energy dating to 1995.


Leaning to the right

You know it’s tough being a conservative these days when Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani’s own daughter is backing Barack Obama.


Granholm has done her part in improving state

We take exception to comments by Matt Marsden, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop, R-Rochester, in “Legislature faces ridicule for latest tuition increase” (SN 8/1). In it, he states, “The Democrats continue to push for tax increases, but they refuse to accept any support for reforms in government.”


No-name schools

But schools named after leaders are a dying breed, according to the Manhattan Institute, a New York-based think tank.


Foot baths not mix of church, state

The construction came after Muslim students and visitors resorted to using sinks in public restrooms to wash their feet. Those using the sinks were at risk of slipping on wet bathroom floors and hurting themselves, students and faculty complained about sanitation issues and the bathroom facilities themselves endured more wear and tear, in part from years of washings.