Football fan angered by State News sports column about U-M
My fellow students of MSU, Zack Colman’s article Upset loss is proof of state superiority (SN 9/6) is a libelous accusation toward each and every one of us.
My fellow students of MSU, Zack Colman’s article Upset loss is proof of state superiority (SN 9/6) is a libelous accusation toward each and every one of us.
You now have officially messed with all of our long-standing traditions for all our football cheers.
Nate Sherman’s column Abortion trumps animal cruelty (SN 8/29) comparing abortion to animal cruelty was completely off-base and factually inaccurate.
The 2008 presidential election posturing is in full swing and opinions from all sides of the political spectrum are being spewed campuswide.
While I was flipping through the paper, I came across a column titled Jesus is not returning (SN 9/4). This kind of struck my interest. While I was reading, I felt many emotions: anger, sadness and hope. I hope that people like John Bice will find Jesus one day and be just as at peace with their lives as I am with mine. I also felt he was very immature and childish when trying to make his point. The fact that he kept referring to Jesus, heaven and angels as “fairy tales” and “fantasies” was very rude and disrespectful.
I know that similar opinions have been published in The State News before, but I feel the need to remind Spartan fans to demonstrate more class in Spartan Stadium. I cringe every time I hear the first down cheer roar from the student section.
The United States has been handling housing the wrong way for far too long. More people are becoming homeless for longer periods of time while the cost of renting houses and apartments skyrockets. In urban areas, run-down, abandoned buildings sit empty while families crowd into shelters and thousands sleep on the streets.
I am appalled at John Bice’s column Jesus is not returning (SN 9/4). The piece was inflammatory, insulting and offered no benefit to readers other than attacking the Christian faith. Attacking another’s religion is simply unacceptable.
Who’s ready for basketball season? Normally about this time, MSU students are left asking themselves some form of this question after giving up on what is left of the football season.
If you were standing in line for lunch at your favorite restaurant, you would probably be surprised if the person behind you told you to get out of line. If you were sitting in a lecture hall, you might object to a neighbor instructing you to leave the room, despite your having registered for the class and paid your full tuition/fees. Seems logical, no? So I ask you, fellow Spartans – why would you tell another vehicle to get out of the road?
I was highly affronted by John Bice’s column Jesus is not returning (SN 9/4). I found Bice’s reference to Christianity as “silly” and “puerile” highly offensive and his need to do so very unprofessional. Such cheap shots at Christianity only undermine Bice’s credibility as a columnist.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed a bill on Tuesday allowing Michigan to move its presidential primary from Feb. 26 up to Jan. 15. The jump puts Michigan among the top few states to vote, although the exact position is somewhat difficult to decipher.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed legislation to move Michigan’s presidential primaries up to Jan. 15. This was a grievous mistake, and has bad ramifications for Michigan, as well as the state of democracy.
I often marvel at how modern technology allows us to collect, manipulate and analyze data, especially when such knowledge can be used to achieve positive goals. Unfortunately, although it is technically impressive, this information can sometimes paint a dismal picture that we must face in order to progress.
Attention all freshmen: Please do not be alarmed by John Bice’s article Jesus is not returning (SN 9/4). He’s been copying and pasting the same column for the past four years. The only difference is his I-wear-sunglasses-inside look, which makes his writing that much more hilarious.
I am surprised, intrigued and offended by Daniel Moran’s letter to the editor titled MSU Flag Corps needs to have more fun during performances (SN 8/30).
It seems one cannot go anywhere these days without hearing about the war with Iraq in various media outlets. As Americans, we tend to get our news through headlines online or by skimming through a newspaper. Most of us really don’t read into the actual story.
The new and improved Snyder-Phillips Hall proves MSU can retain all the charming characteristics of a historic campus while also offering modern amenities to students.
Nate Sherman’s article, Abortion Trumps Animal Cruelty (SN 8/29) compares the obvious cruelty of dog fighting with the supposed cruelty of abortion.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm has proposed an enormous increase in the cost of liquor by raising the state’s markup on the product to 75 percent. Even though the state government does not produce, store, distribute or sell liquor, it already collects more than $250 million each year in liquor taxes and markup fees.