Friday, January 10, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Atheist column inaccurate, no facts backing up godless view

I was highly affronted by John Bice’s column Jesus is not returning (SN 9/4). I found Bice’s reference to Christianity as “silly” and “puerile” highly offensive and his need to do so very unprofessional. Such cheap shots at Christianity only undermine Bice’s credibility as a columnist.


Granholm gambling with earlier primary vote

Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed a bill on Tuesday allowing Michigan to move its presidential primary from Feb. 26 up to Jan. 15. The jump puts Michigan among the top few states to vote, although the exact position is somewhat difficult to decipher.


Poverty just an afterthought

I often marvel at how modern technology allows us to collect, manipulate and analyze data, especially when such knowledge can be used to achieve positive goals. Unfortunately, although it is technically impressive, this information can sometimes paint a dismal picture that we must face in order to progress.


Jesus column boring, Bice can only write about one topic

Attention all freshmen: Please do not be alarmed by John Bice’s article Jesus is not returning (SN 9/4). He’s been copying and pasting the same column for the past four years. The only difference is his I-wear-sunglasses-inside look, which makes his writing that much more hilarious.


Iraq withdrawal will come in time

It seems one cannot go anywhere these days without hearing about the war with Iraq in various media outlets. As Americans, we tend to get our news through headlines online or by skimming through a newspaper. Most of us really don’t read into the actual story.


Increasing alcohol prices will lose business, hurt economy

Gov. Jennifer Granholm has proposed an enormous increase in the cost of liquor by raising the state’s markup on the product to 75 percent. Even though the state government does not produce, store, distribute or sell liquor, it already collects more than $250 million each year in liquor taxes and markup fees.


More bike paths to eliminate dangers of walking on campus

I’m happy to see that there are more bike paths on campus this year. Though there are still areas around campus that have them missing, it is an improvement. Now I’m hoping that the cyclists will stay on the paths and everyone else will stay off of them. Hopefully now the quarreling between bikers and walkers on campus will end.


Proper education about healthy sex practices needed

I agree with Nate Sherman in Abortion trumps animal cruelty (SN 8/29) when he mentions that women (and men!) should be prepared and willing to accept the consequences before becoming sexually active. Yet, he only makes this point after implying that women make the decision to have an abortion on some sort of whim – by simply moseying on down to the local Planned Parenthood. The choice to terminate a pregnancy is neither a flippant one nor is it a result of hasty thinking. Insinuating that this is the case is derogatory and dismissive to a woman’s ability to reason and make intelligent decisions about her body and her fetus.


Abortion columnist on soapbox, unrealistic

I would sincerely like to thank columnist Nate Sherman for equating women with dogs in Abortion trumps animal cruelty (SN 8/29). I was dangerously close to giving into my delusions of being an unoppressed, equal citizen, but he sure snapped me out of it. It’s now very clear to me that dogs are bred for fighting and women are bred for, well, breeding.


Jesus is not returning

According to The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, “An overwhelming percentage of Christians (79 percent) say they believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ.”


Apathy is dangerous

The two-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina passed last week, and news reports indicate that, for thousands of people down in Louisiana, the situation hasn’t improved enough. Elsewhere around the world, the United States wages endless wars against Middle Eastern countries to stabilize the region, hurricanes slam into Central America and millions of Africans squander away years in refugee camps with little hope for improvement.