Monday, September 16, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



There Will Be Criticism: American Made

Much of Made’s energy erupts from its visual style. Central to the film’s narrative is a series of video tapes Barry self-records, and in echoing that importance and capturing the period cinematographer César Charlone employs a light video-esque color scheme across the whole of the film. 


Opinion: Awareness isn't enough to prevent sexual assault

On Monday, a social media campaign launched by Charmed actress Alyssa Milano to raise awareness for sexual assault and harassment survivors in light of the recent scandal involving director Harvey Weinstein took Facebook and Twitter by storm with hundreds of thousands of survivors posting "#MeToo," while some opted to relay their personal experiences. 


Column: Laughing at a reporter for doing her job is just wrong

Just because I am a female and writing about sports does not make me any less than the men who work alongside me. Along with other female sports journalist, we understand what is going on and we are there to report it. We are doing our jobs on getting news out there and letting the fans know what is going on and that is exactly what Rodrigue did.