Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Sexual abuse in schools must be eliminated

From one teacher trying to fondle a fifth-grader’s breast to another filming his molestation of a boy, children are increasingly becoming victims of sexual abuse in schools. While one in 10 victimized children report some kind of abuse to someone who can do something about it, often teachers, administrators and some parents frequently don’t do anything to acknowledge the crime.


You can be a minority and a Republican too

When I attended the GOP conference on Mackinac Island in September, I saw a shirt that said “I’m a black Republican” and someone joked, “Do they even exist?” Even though there were only a handful — five or six out of 3,000 attendees — the answer is they do exist.


Great Lakes a national treasure, let them be

Whether it was a simple misunderstanding, a slip of the tongue or a calculated statement of resource scheming, Democratic presidential hopeful and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson made a serious mistake when he suggested the Great Lakes could help solve his thirsty state’s water crisis.


Tougher DUI punishments necessary, proactive

Members of the Michigan House of Representatives made the right decision when they voted in favor of three bills cracking down on drunken driving. The bills, which passed with heavy bipartisan support, aim at punishing repeat offenders and heavily intoxicated motorists.


Please donate bone marrow

As other 16-year-olds got their driver’s licenses, extended their curfews and got ready for dances, my world quickly transformed into one of adulthood, as I found out my dad was diagnosed with cancer.


Jena 6 are an example of racism in modern society

Just a day before three nooses were seen dangling from a tree in Jena, La., a young black boy felt the need to ask his principal whether or not he was able to sit underneath that same tree which had a reputation of being the “white tree.”


Responsibilities of leadership

With power comes responsibility. Now, this might seem obvious to some, but it can all too easily be forgotten or pushed aside when those in power stray from their original goals because they take on too many responsibilities at once or have more to gain personally by changing their views.