Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Paul supporters deserve better

Who wouldn’t like a candidate who preaches from the heart and refuses to pander to special interest groups? Someone who takes ideologically consistent positions that defy political convention? Someone who is supported by a loyal cadre of grassroots followers?


Sushi critique appreciated, but insulting to SanSu

As a person who loves both sushi and well-written reviews of restaurants, I was immensely disappointed in the reviews of five sushi restaurants in Sushi showdown (SN 1/15). I understand the reviews were intended to be small in scale — the reviewers only had a California roll at each place.


Izzone not better, reason for smaller hawk's nest

I was one of the 100 Izzone members who made the trip to Iowa City, Iowa on Saturday. Yes, these 100 Izzone members brought it strong and appeared to have really motivated the Spartan players before the game. Unfortunately, this didn’t translate to performance on the court.


Early studies matter in math

Solve for X. For some students, this phrase is a glimpse into the past. Maybe they fulfilled their mathematics requirement for their major and never looked back.


Talk about rape should continue

My greatest fear is rape. In light of last semester’s progression of attacks on campus, the topic is worth addressing — not only for its relevance but also for its complex connection to what dictates our everyday choices and behaviors.


Textbook prices ridiculous, prevent student savings

Like all of you, I was absolutely thrilled to spend a lovely $450 at Student Book Store last week. Score! Who wouldn’t rather have a stack of cheaply printed books that will be useless in 16 weeks, than a month’s rent, a round-trip ticket to California, a new bicycle or whatever suits your pleasure?


Resist luxuries, fight terrorism

The Republican Party’s favorite buzzword is “terrorism,” and during the Republican debates and Iowa caucus nothing changed. It’s a hollow political tool to score votes, but in recent weeks, even I realized terrorism is a real problem. That’s right, I finally came around. However, unlike President George W. Bush and most of the presidential nominees, I believe Americans can fight terrorism individually, as both citizens and consumers.


Christians have changed but message remains same

I would like to say well done on another thought-provoking article in Religious pride lessens in 2007 (SN 1/10). Even as a born-again Christian and a follower of Jesus, I agree with your feelings of hypocrisy and irrationality among the Christian church.


Religious pride lessens in 2007

2007 may be remembered as the year religious criticism went mainstream. Books highly critical of faith and credulity enjoyed startling sales, with many becoming bestsellers. These books sparked a national conversation on the danger of irrational beliefs and further undermined an already eroding level of religious conviction.


Adding tenured professors must be priority

A tenured professor might not always be obvious. They run the gamut from fickle cranks to fearless crusaders of education. It’s generally assumed that their experience and status means a higher-quality education for their students.


Bus riders may pay more because others won't

Capital Area Transportation Authority, a transportation service that many people in the community utilize, was voted best in 2007 for public transportation in the U.S. by the American Public Transportation Association. Whether you are an MSU student living on or off campus, you have probably ridden a CATA bus at least once. For many students, this method of transportation is a convenient and efficient means of travel, whether it's between classes or to an off-campus location such as downtown Lansing or Meridian Mall in Okemos.


Voting options in Mich. still exist

There’s nothing like politics to ruin a pleasant New Year’s Eve party. I suppose it might have had more to do with the tipsy and drunk friends of a friend who were suddenly stricken with “the greatest political epitome” ever.


Other state results offer preview for voters

Michigan’s primary will be earlier this election cycle, leaving little time to figure out which presidential candidate has the most commander-in-chief potential. Before Michigan voters make their choice next week for a presidential candidate, take note of what happens in New Hampshire and other parts of the country.


Mich. primary offers little cash for state, voters' say

In Huckabee, Obama wins set stage for Mich., (SN 1/7), the article is posited on the belief that the Michigan primary, especially for the Democrats, will bring money into Michigan. This is totally wrong, neglecting common sense in its reasoning that Michigan has any hope left of benefiting from the campaigns or improving its national stance.