Names say a lot, so say them right
Yeah. It means “fish.” Congratulations on discovering the secret by using the most basic French. You and all the French-speaking 3-year-olds should be very proud.
Yeah. It means “fish.” Congratulations on discovering the secret by using the most basic French. You and all the French-speaking 3-year-olds should be very proud.
Americans love jumping on bandwagons. Whether it is the temperance movement or the latest diet craze, we simply love throwing ourselves into a cause — at least for a while.
It’s a given that presidential primary seasons are rarely interesting. They’re like an ignored younger sibling compared to the November presidential elections.
Despite what his critics said, President George W. Bush always defended his military policy by saying it would be used to keep the fight away from “our own shores.” After hearing about the recent report from the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves, an independent group, on the capabilities of the military to respond to another homeland attack, however, it might be time to better prepare ourselves.
I would like to tell you a true story. It’s about a failed democracy where the winner takes all and politics are reduced to fights between two opposite parties. Its people come to think the two parties represent something universal — transcending time and space, somehow existing in every democracy at every time.
Let’s be honest. East Lansing’s various redevelopment projects around the downtown area act as a modern version of villagers wielding torches and pitchforks. In the end, it’s the MSU students who are being driven out.
Initially I was elated to see veganism given large coverage in The State News. While I assumed the journalists would present accurate and well-researched facts, Liz Kersjes proved me wrong with her opinion column, Vegetarian contemplates changing diet (SN 1/29).
I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to The State News for publishing Vegan tales (SN 01/29). I have been a vegan now for about a year and a half following a surgery to remove my gallbladder.
If you have followed my columns in this newspaper during the past year, chances are you’ve caught one of several written in support of embryonic stem cell research. This passion of mine is the result of another cause I have supported for 15 years — diabetes research.
I would like to respond to the recent editorial City construction plans disregard students (SN 1/30).
This is one hell of a secret. For more than a year, not a truthful word has been said about the actual circumstances surrounding former MSU College of Law Dean Terence L. Blackburn’s quiet exit from his post.
I feel Gov. Jennifer Granholm and our state Legislature are misinformed if they think more buildings and college services will solve our state’s array of educational problems.
Don’t tease. When it comes to promising Michigan education reforms, actions speak louder than words. And after Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s State of the State address Tuesday, we hope she can deliver.
Firstly, I’d like to thank The State News for its spread on veganism in Tuesday’s paper. What once inspired images of long-haired hippies on communes, veganism is now more inclusive and mainstream than ever.
Liz Kersjes had quite a few inaccuracies in her column Vegetarian contemplates changing diet (SN 1/29). First off, it is easy to eat out and be a vegan. A lot of restaurants have vegan options on their menus.
There’s been a lot of talk recently about “change” in government. It seems that every presidential candidate — whether a Democrat or Republican — has incorporated the word into his or her campaign in some way.
Picking a candidate is kind of like buying a used car. If the prices were the same, what would you buy: The attractive-looking sports car with transmission trouble or the beat-up clunker that runs great?
As has been reported in these pages, MSU and the Graduate Employees Union are currently engaged in contract negotiations that will determine the contract for the more than 1,300 teaching assistants — myself included.
State News columnist Thea Neal dedicated quite a bit of energy into thinking about (and possibly obsessing over) where UGG boots fit into the world, especially the world of fashion, in No excuses for sporting ugly UGG boots (SN 1/29).
Construction. It’s a driver’s worst nightmare. For residents near Virginia Avenue and Abbot Road, it’s a nightmare that won’t end for quite sometime.