Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Improved counseling center a vital resource

If you’ve ever needed help or someone to talk to and didn’t know where to turn, don’t worry. You’re not alone. The MSU Counseling Center is in the process of improving its programs to better accommodate the needs of students.


All races should be recognized

February is Black History Month. It is important to honor the contributions that blacks have made to this country. It also is important that we take time to reflect on how far this nation has come since the time of slavery and the Civil Rights Movement. I think it’s wonderful that we have a month dedicated to black history, but it bothers me that there is a need for it.


Issues beyond actor's death

When I read about the death of Hollywood star Heath Ledger on the cover of Tuesday’s New York Times, I was shocked. Ledger’s death was not only a tragedy to his family, but also devastating to all of his fans who, like myself, are no doubt incredibly hurt by the loss of a man who made such amazing contributions to society.


Boasting drunken behavior unnecessary, annoying

Is it just me, or can anyone else think of better ways to enjoy the college experience than being drunk, talking about how drunk you are, how often you get drunk, and making sure everyone sees how drunk you are? I will never understand the need some people have to advertise the fact they are drunk.


Proposed tax rebate small fix for big problem

Go shopping, America. It’s on the government. In an agreement between Congress and the White House, tax refunds — granting rebates of about $300 to $1,200 — would be distributed as early as May to help stimulate consumer spending and give the economy a much-needed boost.


Future of state depends on higher education

We think the secret entrance is around the bronze “Sparty” statue. Through dark, clandestine tunnels underneath campus, there lies a huge safe where MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon heaps huge burlap sacks of money with big, green dollar symbols (cleverly using the Spartan “S,” of course).


Spaying and neutering helps preserve other animals

In response to the entertainment blog PETA compares teen pregnancy to neutering pets (SN1/21), it was encouraging to see that Whitney Gronski agreed that spaying and neutering animals is an integral part of the effort to help reduce the number of dogs and cats euthanized in shelters.


Splurging now bad for future

There they were. The most adorable shoes I’d ever seen for only $5 — regular price: $25. I had to have them. Then the guilt set in because I had promised myself I wasn’t going to buy anything, but I did anyway.


Poor decisions by drinkers not city's responsibility

I was appalled to read Jon Erickson’s column E.L. developments enable drunken driving offenses (SN 1/22). Although he so thoughtfully mentions at the end of his article that he “is in no way supporting or excusing drunken driving,” that seems to be exactly what he’s doing. Living farther from the bars is no excuse to drive drunk, period.