Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Evolution exists, should be taught

In 2005, advocates for introducing intelligent design into high school science classes had a fair hearing in a Pennsylvania federal court, presided over by a churchgoing, lifelong Republican appointed by President George W. Bush.


Detroit's Mayor's mishaps not fair to city, state

When Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick took office in 2002, his appeal to voters was obvious. As the city’s youngest elected mayor, voters put him in office with the expectation that he would improve Detroit. After six years, that has yet to happen.


International students affected by TA deals too

MSU is a great place to be an international student. It is the national leader in study abroad among American public universities, has an ever-increasing international presence with about 4,000 students enrolled from 131 countries and is augmenting its international profile with the opening of MSU in Dubai this August.


Additional tuition dollars belong to students

If MSU decided not to refund its students an unnecessary extra per-credit fee, there would be hell to pay. Wayne State University students were required to pay a $13-per-hour credit fee to compensate for possible financial shortcomings for the fall semester.


Primaries offer good selection

It’s a given that presidential primary seasons are rarely interesting. They’re like an ignored younger sibling compared to the November presidential elections.


Costs for conflicts make U.S. vulnerable

Despite what his critics said, President George W. Bush always defended his military policy by saying it would be used to keep the fight away from “our own shores.” After hearing about the recent report from the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves, an independent group, on the capabilities of the military to respond to another homeland attack, however, it might be time to better prepare ourselves.


Democracy more than partisan

I would like to tell you a true story. It’s about a failed democracy where the winner takes all and politics are reduced to fights between two opposite parties. Its people come to think the two parties represent something universal — transcending time and space, somehow existing in every democracy at every time.


Cost of diabetes affects everyone

If you have followed my columns in this newspaper during the past year, chances are you’ve caught one of several written in support of embryonic stem cell research. This passion of mine is the result of another cause I have supported for 15 years — diabetes research.


Law college must come clean for new dean

This is one hell of a secret. For more than a year, not a truthful word has been said about the actual circumstances surrounding former MSU College of Law Dean Terence L. Blackburn’s quiet exit from his post.


Innovative ideas work for Mich.

There’s been a lot of talk recently about “change” in government. It seems that every presidential candidate — whether a Democrat or Republican — has incorporated the word into his or her campaign in some way.