Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Labels, ads not always honest about products

There is no cure for the common cold. This is universal knowledge. Yet when a “miracle cold buster” hit the shelves in 1999, Americans snatched it up. Throw in a cute story about a second-grade teacher who invented the product and an endorsement from Oprah Winfrey and you’ve got Airborne, the “effervescent dietary supplement” that made $151 million in 2006.


Problem-solving skills imperative

We must make value judgments every day, and it’s easy to make decisions for the wrong reasons because they’re based on flawed logic. Unfortunately, even the basic principles underlying these daily decisions are not standard curriculum in pre-college education.


GEU has right to health, parking, better pay

The Graduate Employees Union and MSU are in closed negotiations for a contract to replace the one that expires May 15. Although neither side has released its full bargaining platform to the media, it’s apparent that struggles in the bargaining process have kept both sides unsatisfied.


Fine-tuning full of loose logic

Some readers have urged me to consider a popular creationist assertion called the “fine-tuning argument.” It’s said that the laws of physics are precariously balanced. If the value of one fundamental physical constant were slightly different — such as the strength of electromagnetic and nuclear forces — life couldn’t exist.


War on Terror no excuse for harsh interrogation

Often, the phrase “with all due respect” is used by a speaker or writer to placate a person receiving a message that will soon become inflammatory. In a letter printed Wednesday, Waterboarding not wrong, needed for defense in Iraq (SN 3/12), the writer uses this phrase to smooth a transition into explaining why interrogation tactics involving waterboarding are appropriate and needed in select cases.


Renewable energy essential to Michigan's future, success

The state Legislature is set to vote on Michigan’s energy future as early as this week. There are two paths our lawmakers can choose. One path promotes renewable energy use and the production of renewable energy technology. The other path promotes pollution and sends money and jobs out of our state.


Party culture sparks violence

It’s all downhill from here. Judging photo submissions solely on attractiveness, will now narrow the field down to 64 contestants who will be entered into a tournament bracket. Users of the Web site will then vote to determine who wins each round, and the tournament champion will receive $10,000.


Cartoons don't show free speech

It’s deja vu. Controversy surrounding the Danish cartoons that depict the Muslim prophet Muhammad first appeared more than a year ago, and was resurrected last month by a group of Danish newspapers exercising freedom of speech yet again.


Waterboarding not wrong, needed for defense in Iraq

In a recent editorial titled Waterboarding contradicts U.S. ideals, intent (SN 3/11), The State News criticized President Bush for vetoing the ban on waterboarding, claiming it “emphasized the flexible morals and hypocrisy” of the current administration.


Small habits can make environmentalism stick

Even the Vatican has gone green. Monsignor Gianfranco Girotti, the Roman Catholic Church’s secondary authority on sins and penance, listed “ecological” offenses along with genetic manipulation and drug use as modern sins in an interview last week with a Vatican City newspaper.


East Village won't displace students, will be affordable

The State News story “Project plan might displace half of East Village residents” (SN 2/27) included incomplete information and one inaccuracy we wish to correct. East Village will allow more students to reside closer to campus at a rent rate students can afford.


Waterboarding contradicts U.S. ideals, intent

President Bush’s veto of a bill banning waterboarding last week emphasized the flexible morals and hypocrisy of his administration. Bush said Saturday that he vetoed the legislation — which would limit CIA interrogations to the 19 techniques permitted in the Army Field Manual — because it would ban practices that have prevented attacks.


Make the most of last days at MSU

There are certain behaviors and habits that are only socially acceptable at college. Depending on your future career, walking out of the house in sweatpants won’t be acceptable. People won’t be as sympathetic if you fall asleep in a meeting as your peers are when you’re drooling in your history class. And to some, going to the bar during the week might just look like pure desperation rather than an attempt to socialize with your peers. I’m not condoning overindulgence in these behaviors, but you should enjoy them while you can.