Thursday, March 6, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Shorter Welcome Week won't prevent parties

MSU administrators are discussing a proposal that would cut Welcome Week by changing the move-in dates for incoming freshmen and transfer students. The proposed plan would bring new students into the dorms starting Sunday with the first day of class on the following Wednesday.


Martin Luther King Jr.'s death brings shock, sadness

Tonight America mourns — or should mourn. Tonight and tomorrow and the tomorrow of tomorrow and the rest of her history. For she has lost one of her authentic heroes, one of genuinely human men in the world, a real brother to all mankind. At six o’clock in Memphis, Tenn., some sick person killed Martin Luther King Jr. He shot Dr. King while the latter stood on a balcony talking to his aides below, and King never regained consciousness.


Virtual memorial helpful for vets

It’s becoming easier to live your life through the Internet each day as new Web sites emerge that allow us to connect to each other and see things in ways we never have before.


Theatre Department left of out entertainment article

I would like to express my extreme disappointment in the journalism of The State News. The entertainment article Center stage (SN 3/27) by Matt Flint, James Harrison and Ashley Luster blatantly omitted the MSU Department of Theatre as a producing organization.


U.S. should put damper on punitive damages

Americans know going to court isn’t always about the pursuit of justice. It’s more like hitting the jackpot. Cynical but true. Outrageous multimillion-dollar settlements or damage amounts awarded in lawsuits are normal in the U.S. judicial system. That’s because in civil lawsuits, there are compensatory rewards — to pay for medical bills or attorney fees — and then there are punitive damages, which are monetary punishments inflicted on litigants.


University policy must be modified

The university’s Anti-Discrimination Policy needs to be changed, and we propose doing so. You see, the ADP is used to punish anyone who discriminates against or harasses others, including both violators of actual law and violators of “university community … standards of conduct more stringent than those mandated by law.”


Wrongfully convicted deserve compensation

Legislation making its way through the Michigan House of Representatives could soon allow the wrongly convicted to sue the state for at least $50,000 for each year they spent in prison, a law similar to those already in existence in 22 other states.


Rhetoric clouds ability to reason

Although religion still plays a large role in the social discourse of American society, its authority in the long term has eroded tremendously. Since the Enlightenment, society has largely shifted toward making decisions based on logic, rather than faith and dogma. Although the number of people who proclaim themselves reasonable is certainly growing, many self-described reasonable persons are actually just as unreasonable as the religious groups they mock.


Real ID Act infringes on state rights, individual freedoms

The Real ID Act is set to go into action beginning in May. This is the most dangerous and egregious attack on our civil liberties yet forced upon us. If I am forced to carry a driver’s license with an RFID chip in it, I will burn it in the same manner that our forefathers burnt their draft cards.


Understand Chinese issues, culture before judging it

When I studied in Beijing, I had eight Tibetan classmates. And like most Chinese friends, I have much concern about Tibetan issues. However, many Americans neglect that Tibet has been part of China for more than 700 years, which makes me disappointed. As a believer in peace, I’d like to share my opinion of the Tibetan issues.


No need to rush for housing; many options open

There’s still time to sign. Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise. Students who haven’t already signed a lease for the fall shouldn’t be worried about trying to put a roof over their heads next year. Despite what the leasing offices and landlords of East Lansing have to say, there are enough rooms and apartments to assure everyone will find a place to live, on and off campus.


Variety of ways to express free speech, ideas should exist

I am writing in response to YAF speaker poor choice, brings hate speech at MSU (SN 3/25). Mike Adams makes a poor assumption about the nature of freedom of speech. He preempts the newest MSU Young Americans for Freedom speaker by saying “They should instead host a debate of some kind where both sides can present what they believe. MSU YAF claims to like free speech, but they only like free speech for themselves.”


Street graffiti on campus ruins beauty, history

There are some things that teeter-totter in my mind. Do I prefer Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton? Are patterned wellies really that cute? Is Starbucks worth the $4 I spend every time? But the topic that has most frequently bounced back and forth in my head is my opinion on graffiti stencils.


Supporting Olympics in China supports its treatment of Tibet

I witnessed what would normally be a heartwarming scene in the International Center. There was a table set up with a great big banner supporting the Olympics. Happy students were signing it. I searched the faces of those sitting around the lobby for someone thinking about why this is controversial. No one had an objection.